
Ready to Run

Deacon's Pov

My feet were moving before I was able to comprehend fully what Alex had just said to me. What had she heard Irena say? What did she say that made him have such a look of panic in his eyes? I took the stairs in threes to get up them, to our room, and to Mia quicker. I looked to the door next to ours wondering if she would go there first, or to ours. Taking a chance, I went to Teo and Lessie's room, opening the door quickly, to find them both sleeping peacefully. Without even shutting the door behind me, I bolted to our door. The fear rising that Mia may not have even come to the rooms at all, that she may have just grabbed keys and left. If for any reason that what Mia had done, I knew that I was already too late and that there would be nothing that I would be able to do to catch up with her, let alone be able to find her. If she wanted to disappear Mia knew exactly how to do it and never be found.

Quietly I opened the door, inside I found Mia with a bag slung over her shoulder, dressed in sweatpants, a t-shirt and sneakers. Her eyes were puffy and red, there were streaks in her make up where tears had run through it, and her hair pulled into the best ponytail she could manage.

I stood silently for a moment watching her. She ran her hand slowly down over her pillow, and looked around the room like she was trying to remember every detail. Her engagement ring sat on her nightstand. She glanced down at it, before running her finger tips over the wedding band she still wore. "I hope that one day you'll forgive me Deacon. I wish I could tell you one more time how much I love you."

"Mia, what are you doing? Why do you have that bag packed?" I asked attempting to keep myself composed.

She didn't turn to look at me, her hand just fell to her side as she sighed. "I was just taking a moment before..."

"Before what Mia?"

"This is best for everyone Deacon, please don't make this any harder." Her voice cracked as she spoke. "I'm just doing what you won't do." She turned, starting to walk towards the open door beside me. Even though she was trying to be strong, her eyes never met mine.

I extended my arm out in front of her, blocking the doorway. "Mia, please stop, talk to me. What did you hear that was so horrible to make you want to leave?"

"There's nothing to talk about Deacon, I made the choice that had to be made for everyone. Can you please just except that I'm doing what is best for everyone I love?"

"By leaving like this? What were you going to do? Just walk out the front door, breaking everyone's heart here? Away from our children, our family?" I asked loudly, reaching behind me and slamming the door shut forcefully.

Mia jumped at the sound of the thudding door and her face drained of color.

I took a few steps towards her, immediately noticing that she was shaking. Even so she willed herself to take a few steps backwards. Now her attention was locked on me and only me. "P...p... please Deacon." She stuttered, holding her hands up in front of her.

"Tell me what you heard that made you think that leaving was the best option you had." I demanded, taking a few more steps towards her. Before she was able to take a step backwards, I reached out grabbing her wrists tightly and pulled her closer to me.

I felt her entire body freeze momentarily when I pulled her into me as I held her tightly. The instant my arms wrapped around her; tears began falling uncontrollably. "Please just let me go. Let me do one good thing with my life."

"One good thing? What are you talking about? Do you need me to list every good thing you've done since I've met you?"

"He lost his daughter because of me. She hates him because of me. How am I supposed to get up and face him every day knowing that? He should have locked you down there when they took me the first time and not let you out until I couldn't be saved. I don't deserve any of this, I'm nothing. I want to know that the people I love the most are safe, and they never will be as long I'm here. Teo and Lessie can't become who they need to be with me here." She looked up at me, her eyes dull and filled with tears that kept slipping free. "Just let me be strong enough just this one time."

"What's this really about?" I snapped harshly, tightening my grip on her wrists. "Dammit Mia, look at me and tell me what the fuck is going on!!"

"I'm not going to be the reason you die Deacon!! Let go and let me live my life out knowing that the one person who I ever truly loved isn't dead because of me! Your father can have his real daughter back when I'm gone! Everyone can go on living perfectly happy without me, just let me be the one who takes the pain for everyone else!!"

All I could do is stare at her, my blood boiling. "Are you fucking joking me right now?! You're out of your fucking mind!"

I dropped one of her wrists, yanked the bag from her shoulder and turned while still holding her other wrist. As I threw open the door, walking through, I literally was dragging Mia behind me. "You want to walk out those doors so bad, let me be man enough to show you out."

"Deacon, stop, let go of me!! You're hurting me, let go! Deacon!!"

I saw Alex, Axel and Dimitri rushing up the stairs as we I approached, most likely because of the commotion.

Alex and Axel froze at the scene playing out before them. Without thinking about my action, I whipped my arm forward, sending Mia toppling viciously to the floor between us. "She wants to leave, finish showing her the way out."

Mia looked up at me in what I thought was fear, she reached her hand out on me, as she tried to stand up, but faltered collapsing back to the floor. "Stay down there." I growled. "You said I was the only person you'd kneel for, so do it!"

"Deacon." Axel snapped. "What the hell are you doing? Snap out of it!"

"Keep your mouth shut Axel! Don't forget your place or who I am." I yelled; my eyes still locked on Mia. "Do it! Get on your knees! Tell me again how much to trust me."

Slowly she shook her head no, but didn't move from the spot she landed. What I didn't see was her hand holding her stomach, where she had begun to bleed.

She was still as she now laid on the floor, her hand still partially outstretched to me.

"Fuck Mia." Dimitri snapped, rushing forward, swooping her over his legs, holding his hand over hers. "Mia, can you hear me? You need to stay still, okay? One of you two go get Declan, we have a problem."

I looked past him to Mia, who now was laying limply in his arms, as his hand pressed to her stomach. Seeing the blood as it stained her shirt under his hand somehow brought me back to reality.

I fell to my knees as I watched Dimitri hold her so gently, but so protectively at the same time. "Oh God no. What did I do? Mia, baby, no, no, no. I couldn't have, Mia please be okay, please."

Alex knelt beside Dimitri gently picking up one of her hands and holding it between his. "Mia, please open your eyes. Come on, you've been through a hell of a lot worse than this. I need you to stay with us and open your eyes."

"I've just done worse than anyone else has ever done to her. I broke her heart. I was supposed to be the one person who would never hurt her, the one who would protect her and I broke both those promises at one time."

Declan's POV

I heard the him running towards us before I could tell who it was. "Declan, we need you now! Mia's hurt, it's not good." Axel exclaimed trying to catch his breath.

"Where is she?"

"Top of the stairs, hurry! She's bleeding."

I was by no means a young man anymore, but something told me this was indeed bad. As I reached the top of the stairs the sight before me halted my steps. Dimitri held Mia, his hand over the bleeding wound on her stomach. Alex holding her hand between his begging her to open her eyes, while Deacon looked on in horror.

"What happened?" I asked kneeling in front on Dimitri, moving his hand to gain access to the wound.

"It's my fault." Deacon whispered. "I found her in our room, she told me she was going to just walk away. I lost my temper. Dear God forgive me, I threw her down to the floor in front of them and told her to get on her knees." His voice cracking with every word.

"Dimitri, take her to your room, lay her in bed. I will have someone here in the next five minutes to treat her."

"Our room, she should be where she is comfortable when she wakes up." Deacon countered.

"Dimitri go."

"She has to have her blue fleece blanket. She can't sleep without it. I have to go get it for her, so she can rest. I'll go get it and take it to her."

"You will go nowhere near her. She needs to rest peacefully."

"She'll expect to see me there when she wakes up like always. I have to be there; she'll think I meant what I said if I'm not."

"When she calls for you, you can go to her. Not before. If she doesn't call for you, then you will not see her." He snapped.

Deacon's POV

He never even looked at me as he stood reaching into his pocket and dialing a number as he put his phone to his ear "I need you here in five minutes." He ended the call, then looked to me. "Just keep in mind you are not above the pit yourself boy, I suggest you make yourself invisible until this is sorted out. It will be solely on her will what happens to you, pray that she shows her more kindness than you showed her tonight."

"Father, the things she said, this was not what I intended to happen."

"I know what she said you fool!" He shouted. "I've already lost one daughter tonight and now I may damn well lose another because of your childish actions.

She told us to erase her name from everything, to give your children a place to mourn. Her heart is surely more than broken because of your actions."