
One Step Forward

Deacon's POV

"I knew because you did tell me, apparently you don't remember. You said that if had known that love felt like the way that I had made you feel, you wouldn't have stopped yourself from loving me for so long."

She looked up at me. "And it's still the truth. I wish I had known before then that being loved could have been that wonderful. I wouldn't have been so afraid to admit it to you before. "

I looked down at her holding her closer to me. "Would you like you have dinner with me tonight? We could go out to that little place you like, just you and me."

"How about we have dinner with everyone like we normally would? I would like that, seeing everyone together again. I miss seeing everyone together and how we all laughed together."

"Sounds good to me." I laughed. "Is there anything you need?"

"My clothes from the bathroom and I should probably let them know where I am too. You know how they are; the slightest thing and they'll freak out."

"Okay." I chuckled. "I'll go get your clothes, and if I don't see anyone, I'll send a message to either Alex or Axel and let the, know you're with me. "

"I'll be right here when you get back." She laughed, biting her lip as she looked at me.

Shaking my head I walked out of the room, heading towards where Mia had been staying. Axel and Rose were outside the door when I got there. Both turned as I approached, staring cautiously, before talking. I reached for the door handle, pushing the door open, and walking straight to the bathroom. As I walked out with her clothes in my hand, their eyes locked onto my smile. "She's in our room. We talked earlier; she's waiting on me to bring her clothes back. I'm thinking she'd like to shower before dinner tonight."

"She's okay though right?" Axel asked.

As much as the question angered me, I could also completely understand why he asked the question. "Perfectly. You're more than welcome to stop and see for yourself if that would make you feel better. I'm sure Mia would understand."

"Okay." Axel agreed and we started towards our room.

I opened to door to our room, but didn't see Mia in the bed. I shook my head and smiled to myself as we all three walked into the room. "Mia?"

"Yea?" She asked, walking out of the closet. "What took you so long?"

Although I knew Axel and Rose were in the room, I couldn't peel my eyes off her. Mia had put on her black lace corset, leaving nothing to the imagination, and a pair of black lace boy shorts that barely covered anything.

"I'm so buying you one of those, except in red." Axel whispered to Rose.

Mia's attention turned immediately towards us. Her cheeks turning the same color as the shirt I was holding. "H..h..h..hi guys." She stuttered out, as she looked around for something to cover up with. "I take it that Deacon told you guys I was here huh?"

"I may have mentioned it to them." Laughing as I walked over, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, as I held her against me. "You don't have to be shy, it's not like we didn't all know you had this beautiful body under your clothes. We all know how hard you work to keep yourself in this good of shape." I whispered in her ear, and kissed the side of her neck tenderly, causing her to lean back tightly against my chest.

Axel snickered lightly. "Some things will never change huh?"

"Apparently not." I laughed, sliding my hands up her sides, over her shoulders, tangling one of them into the back of her hair where it couldn't be seen.

"I think we should let you guys be." He laughed. "You seem to have some catching up to do."

"Maybe just a little." Mia laughed. "I'll catch up with you tonight over our movie okay Rose? I just have something I need to take care of that other things weren't, ya know what I mean?"

I could see Rose's cheeks blushing even from here. "Maybe she'd like to watch me take this off of you." I whispered quietly into Mia's ear, so that only she could hear me. "I can think of a couple people who would."


Mia's POV

Deacon and I sat quietly as everyone walked into the room, each one almost stumbling when they realized we were both sitting at the table together. As Alex and our father walked into the room, we both stood up.

They stopped and stared for a moment, before continuing into the room.

"Is that really you?" Alex asked.

"Yes." I laughed. "It's really me."

"I take it things are okay between you guys again?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Things are good." I leaned back into Deacon taking in the moment and praying that it never ended.

As I looked around the room, seeing everyone that was dear to me, all I could do was smile.

One of the maids came in with our little ones sitting them in their seats on either side of Deacon and I.

"Momma!" Teo shouted clapping his hands.

"And who's this?" I pointed to Deacon.

"Daddy!" He shouted clapping again.

Deacon's POV

Mia beamed as she looked over at me. "Did he?"

"Daddy up!" Lessi shouted.

I scooped Lessie up into my arms as Mia picked up Teo. We just held them there, smiling at each other. "I bought us a house."

Mia's eyes lit up with joy. "You what?"

"I bought us a house. It's not far from here. When you want to, we can go see it."

"Can we go after dinner?"

"Of course."

------After Dinner---------

Mia's POV

We pulled up to a small house surrounded by trees, a play yard in the backyard, and a fence surrounding the house. Not one like at the mansion, just a regular wooden picket fence. "It's ours?"

"All ours." He smiled. "No one will think to look here for us. I have some friends that did me a favor and deeded the property under an alias."

I looked up at him, feeling my cheeks hurting from my smile. "So, we can come here anytime we want then?"

"Mia, this isn't just for us to escape a couple days here and there. This is going to be our home, where Teo and Lessie grow up.

There's just one small catch, I hope it won't be a deal breaker for you."

"What's that?"

"It's a little bare inside, I'm hoping you won't mind having to go shopping to decorate it."

Deacon's POV

"Wouldn't you rather have someone do it, so it will be more of what people would expect to see when they see your house?"

"No." I smiled. "Only our friends and family will ever come here. Business stays back there. This is strictly our home, there's not even an office here Mia.

When we walk through that door, we're just Deacon and Mia. Here we're what we always wanted to be, just two people in love, with a family that we're able to raise like everyone else does.

If you would prefer, we don't even have to let on to Teo and Lessie that we're anything more than business owners, should you decide that that is the way that you would like things to be, they'll never even have to know anything about what we really do until they are old enough to really understand and then we'll let them decide for themselves whether or not they want to be included or whether they would prefer to continue to live their lives the way that they have always known. All the options that they could ever want will be available to them any college that they choose anything that they want."

I watched Mia's eyes light up as she looked around us.

Mia's POV

Looking around, seeing the snow laying on the ground made tears form in my eyes. "Christmas?"

"It could be here this year, since we haven't celebrated yet."

"I'll start shopping as soon as we get back. I guess I just need to know what all rooms there are."

"Two bathrooms, four bedrooms, a master bedroom and bathroom, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, the basement is finished. I was kinda hoping it could be made into a gym for us."

"Okay. Bigger than I thought that it was, but I think I can do this." I laughed lightly. "Can I do whatever I want with our room?"

Deacon raised his eyebrows at me, with a smirk. "What ya thinking?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" I laughed. "Actually I was thinking that grey, silver, black and blue for our bedroom and maybe just black and white in our bathroom. You know, something simple and still somehow both hard and soft."

"That sounds amazing actually. I can't wait to see how it looks when you get it done. The only thing that I ask is we have the largest bed that you can possibly find and I want to choose the mattress. Everything else is all you."

"I think that I can live with that idea, because if you picked out the one that you have now I can't imagine what you'll pick out this time, that thing feels like I'm literally sleeping on clouds." I chuckled as I stopped in what was supposed to the living room, noticing that there was a fireplace in the center of the room. "Does it work?"

"Yeah, why?"

I could feel the smile that spread across my face as I stared at it. Taking in the beautiful dark wood floors and stone that surrounded the fireplace.

Looking around I could already imagine us sitting an overstuffed wrap around couch while Teo and Lessie played on an extra fluffy rug as Deacon and I sat cuddled together under a light blanket sipping our wine as we just enjoyed being together as a family.

"Something must really have grabbed your attention." He laughed as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Yeah, you could say that I guess. I could literally see the four of us here in this living as a family enjoying just being able to be normal." I smiled as I looked up at him. "You're sure about this? You won't regret not living there anymore?"

"And having absolutely everyone able to have access to walk into our room at anytime they want? Never having a moments peace and quiet from everyone else who seems to find a reason that they have to have our attention at all hours of the night? No, I don't think that there's anything that I'll regret about this. Plus, bonus on our part is that technically the master bedroom and bathroom are an addition, so that means that all the heating and cooling vents only run to it and none of the other rooms. So, we don't have to worry about if anyone else is going to be hearing us or whether they'll be trying to listen through the vents. Complete and total privacy that and if we play it right I'm sure that anyone that we know would be more than happy to take turns having Teo and Lessie stay with them in order for us to properly get everything settled here."

"Are you suggesting that we use our friends and family in order to have wild weekends alone in our house?"

"Not at all. I'm suggesting that they'll miss them enough that they'll be asking us to have them stay there, in return giving us the option to have wild weekends alone in our house. Even if not, we can make sure that we get our time together whenever we need it." He smiled. "I don't care if there are toys scattered from one end of this house to the other every time I come home, or if I hit a toy car or a Lego coming down the stairs in the morning, I want this house to to be ours. When we walk in the door in the evening I want the pressure and the stress of the day to wash off our backs, when we wake up in the mornings the smell of coffee drifting through the entire house. I want it to everything that we are and everything that we want to be."