Prologue: How it all Began

If you had told anyone in the year 2022 that superheroes would become real, chances are they would laugh in your face and dismiss it as pure wishful thinking. That is, until almost two years later, when a special gene was discovered in the human body, which we call, the S-gene.

This gene lies dormant in every human body, so it was unclear to scientists as to what exactly it did. To get the answer, they would need to stimulate it and turn it on. The tests were extensive, with many subjects suffering some pretty bad results. They kept going however, and almost 9 months after the gene's discovery, it was finally activated thanks to what we call the S Serum.

The first successful subject didn't change much at first, so it was unclear as to what the change was, if there even was one. No one noticed anything off about him until he went for his morning run the next day…and ended up accidentally breaking the sound barrier. After that, the answer was obvious…humans could have superpowers.

It wasn't mere comic book stories anymore, and as more and more people volunteered from the serum, more and more superheroes began to emerge. Eventually, they became so common, that the governments of the world agreed to restrain further uses of it to a small amount each year, creating the Power Lottery, where only a few lucky individuals, known as the Powerless, would be given the chance to willingly take the serum and gain whatever power was hidden in their S-Gene, just waiting to be unleashed.

The governments also agreed to make hero work a profession, the more heroes did, the more they got paid…and the more fame they earned. Soon, tales of different heroes exploits were topping the headlines of every newspaper, magazine, and news channel that ever existed, and crime began to reach an all-time low.

There were so many heroes that people idolized over the years: there was Rock, a man who was literally made of rocks and could hit like a truck. Goldstreak, who was fast enough to run on water. Blizzard, a woman who gave ice cold a whole new meaning. All of them were amazing in their own way…then Angel showed up.

One of the youngest people to be recognized as a hero, Angel immediately drew attention the moment she came onto the scene. With her award winning smile and majestic white wings, who wouldn't like her. She became the rising star of Killearn City, swooping on from above and grabbing criminals without even touching the ground. If you ask some people, they might say she really is an angel form heaven; always there to save the day, kind, popular, strong. She was the whole package.

With so many heroes, it seemed unlikely that any villains would ever show their faces, if any existed at all. It seemed like the world could finally be a peaceful place.

Sometimes, some things are just too good to be true…