Jun Vs Junior Abyss Team

"Well, I'm personally making sure everyone here survives so go all out without any concern brats." Azazel announced.

The students of the Satanael class all started grinning at the announcement and looked at each other as if competing for the prize of being able to unload their full strength on who they thought to be some newbie that didn't know his place.

At this point, with a cheery smile on his face, Jun asked.

"So is it going to be one at a time to draw this out or all simultaneously so I can get back to by things quicker?"

The Satanael Class could feel the arrogance and disdain just simply oozing of Jun, looking at them as if they were nothing. They were all individuals who suffered from isolation and neglection in their childhood, causing them to become murderous and develop warped personalities.

Jun's current actions were exactly the kind of treatment that would set off these individuals and they were boiling with rage and bloodthirst.

"It will be one versus five." Satanael announced.

The future five members of the Abyss Team versus Jun alone.

Clearly, despite being problem children, all five were extremely obedient to Satanael and got ready for battle. If their Sensei had said it was going to be 5 on 1 was because their opponent was just that powerful.

Now, Jun had various advantages over the Satanael Class. In the end, they were humans, and young ones at that so in terms of physical ability, they were leagues behind Jun who was part dragon and under intensive training since a very, very young age.

But their biggest disadvantage, was the amount of energy they each had. Jun alone had more magical energy and all five of them combined and even if he spent all of it, his Dragon Heart could recover all of it several times at high speed before he actually got tired.

Even the Dragon Heart had its limits after all and, after recovering his spent magical energy enough times, Jun would be truly drained and unable to fight.

But, until such a limit was reached, there was a lot of magical energy to use nad Jun could unleash extremely powerful attacks one after the other without care for a while before truly running dry.

As the two parties stared each other down, Jun mentally went over his battle plan, thought up as he browsed the Grigori Databases for the specific abilities of meach student of the Satanael Class.

'Their physical abilities are no threat. Without their sacred gears, it is questionable they could even damage me since we're not using weapons.' Jun considered.

'As for their sacred gears. There's a half meter long statue that emits light that robs one of sigh once they look at it. My other senses are very sharp thought and my sixth sense is usually quite accurate due to my growin connection to the world and my high Luck parameter so the threat is minimal.'

'The only female member has an independent avatar in the form of a plush bear, which transforms into a giant plush bear with claws and fangs imbued with a deadly poison.'

'It is a veritable threat to me but she can't control it and it will attack her allies as well so it will only be used as a last resort in case the others all go down. And in a one on one scenario, I can easily take care of it so I'll just leave her for last.'

'The third one spits some form of slime out of his mouth, which is capable of melting and dissolving things on contact. It can also function as a parasite, in the sense that it can enter targets through their orifices and gradually dissolve them from the inside out.'

'Dangerous to be sure and a full body Dragon Burst will blow it any with just an instant of use, I simply have to look out for him but must be careful since he is the only one with the means to reliably deal damage to me.'

'The fourth's Sacred Gear takes the form of mouth-like things on his arm, which can activate curses capable of negatively affecting the mind and body. I'm ridiculously resistant to mind based effects so those won't work and the physical effects will be cleaned out by my powerful magical energy.'

'Still he can weaken me for a few precious moments and if he keeps casting those curse he will become a problem. As such, I'll consider him a high priority target.'

'The last one is the real problem though . . . He has an independent avatar type which takes the form of a huge monster about two meters in height, with one eye and six arms.'

'It possesses a large six-sided die, whose effect depends on the number it rolls. It has the ability to inflict negative curses on the normal five senses and even the sixth sense. Now, with my Luck parameter, it is highly unlikely he will roll high against me but . . .'

'No matter how powerful I am, if all my senses are taken away, I'll just become a tough punching bag . . . He will be my highest priority. I'll take him down hard and fast with my first strike. I'll use the shock caused by that to take out the curse wielding one and then I can just calmly deal with the rest . . .'

While the Satanael Class was just now realizing they had a powerful opponent before them, Jun had already figured them all out and crafted a battle plan to efficiently deal with all of them. The difference in preparedness was staggering.

Soon, the signal came.


Jun wasted no time, cranking up his Dragon Heart Magic Core to the maximum and breathing in deeply, he unleashed a powerful Dragon's Breath straight at the fifth member of the enemy group.

It was an attack capable of being classified as Anti Army though so all of them were in range but since it was centered on the guy in one of the corners, Two of them dodged without a scratch, the third caught a little bit of it but was just sent flying with minor injuries.

The fourth however got his left side completely crippled as he was blown away and was barely conscious but still trying to get up.

As for the actual target, he was teleported away by the safete system but not before most of his skin melted away and all of his organs were ruptured by the impact.

Before his opponents could recover from the shock, Jun strengthened himself with his Dragon Aura, Reinforced his whole body and dashed with Dragon Burst at half power which was the best he could manage right after a full powered Breath.

This along with his newly obtained Shukuchi movement technique allowed him to instantly reach the most heavily injured fourth and finish him off with a single strike, the safety system teleporting him away as well.

By this time, the remaining enemies had recovered from the initial shock and were looking at Jun with pure unadulterated fear.

"Two down, three to go . . ." He said, ominously licking his lips in the process, further unsettling his foes.

The first activated his sacred gear but Jun just closed his eyes and raised his hands.

Like dual machine guns, Magic Bullets were fired at extreme rates and with artillery levels of power and despite having his eyes closed, Jun could still accurately aim at his target, the first enemy.

The second enemy just held back and took some distance while the third tried stealthily approaching Jun as he fired at the first.

Not being nearly as capable or as fast as Valia, the first was shot down as taken away by the safety device but at that very instant, the third spat out a blob of slime towards Jun.

With Shukuchi, he instantly maneuvered behind his attacked and with a strike based on internal qi of Chinese Boxing, mercilessly shattered his inner organs with the safety once again saving him from death but not the soul rending pain.

Opening his eyes, Jun slowly looked at his last remaining opponent the girl with the giant berserk teddy bear with poisonous claws.

"Guess there's only you now." He started.

"I had plenty of fun already so do you want to forfeit and save yourself the pain or do you want the same treatment as your pals." Jun taunted, fully enjoying the absolute advantage he had on his opponents.

'I can definitely see why Gilgamesh acts like an arrogant asshole all the time. It's hard not to when your enemies are all so much weaker than you . . .' Jun pondered, thinking he couldn't let this get over his head.

"So, what will it be?" Jun aksed.

"I-I-I have nothing but admiration for your great prowess Haikami-sama~"

She said in a suggestive tone while slowing approaching Jun with seductive swaying of her hips.

"That HARLOT!" Valia shouted with gritted teeth.

"Kick her ass Ju-san!" She said.

'Oya? She was just watching with glittering eyes so far but she has some very choice comments now.' Azazel though with a knowing smile.

'Has my cute little Valia begun experiencing her first love?' He internally chuckled.


Jun sighed, confusing the woman.

Then before her could react, Jun pumped her full of Magic Bullets as the Safety system took her away.

"Thotery of that level won't work on me!" He self righteously declared, putting on a saintly facial expression that left even the watching Azazel and Satanael speechless.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.