Gathering III

Arriving at Jun's Kuoh workshop, the DxD group, at least some members of it, cursed Jun for not giving them an exact time to arrive, leaving them in doubt there they were actually early, late or right on time.

After hearing about the gathering where Jun would introduce them to his secret subordinates, Kuroka and Shirone rushed from Kyoto to be present as well and now, all of them were outside the Compound where Jun's workshop was, all feeling slightly nervous.

They wondered what kind of people were Jun's subordinates. They already knew they were not simple subordinates and that there were probably some lovers they had no clue about included in their number.

Additionally, Jun's talk about their power when he was talking down to Nakiri Ouryuu left them quite shocked at the supposed prowess that these individuals should have.

The group was not too shocked when Jun popped up out of nowhere in front of them and welcomed them in and as the two groups met, a staredown ensued while they evaluated the other party with interest.

The hardest part was explaining the existence of an entirely different world other than their own, well, not entirely different but with some very stark differences indeed.

The DxD group was shocked beyond belief when Jun revealed to them that in said world, there existed a system, a ritual that enabled one to summon Heroic Spirits from history and myth as Servants and that many of his subordinates from said world were exactly this type of being.

The mentioned Heroic Spirits were also quite interested in hearing about their counterparts in this new and foreign world, hounding the DxD group for answers. Unfortunately, most of them did not know the specifics of such legends in their world.

Jun watched with pleasant feelings as both groups mingled with the two boys amidst a crowd of women finding themselves highly uncomfortable and seeking refuge beside Jun almost immediately after the initial greetings.

While they appreciated the trust, they felt really uncomfortable with the environment and after much begging with their gaze, Jun just sighed and let them wander off somewhere.

'So much for trying to have guy friends . . . I need some with more resistance . . . Maybe finding a cool married fellow who would not be bothered by the women . . .' Jun thought to himself, unaware of the conversations between the various women pertaining to himself.

More accurately, the women were quite busy ascertaining the relationship their new companions had with Jun, this went for both sides.

Jun had completely failed to notice it, but while Iri seemed quite harmless and just focused on taking care of the two little girls, she had other interest as well.

Despite swearing off romantic relationships for at least a while, she was immensely interested in the various bonds and desires the girls had, especially relating to Jun.

And so, she might have taken the opportunity to "guide" some of the less romantically experienced of the girls, like Atalanta who spent along time helping her with the little girls, Jeanne who was quite innocent regarding such matters and the somewhat ignorant Artoria and Mordred.

Needless to say, her own romantic experience was quite limited and her view on the matter was quite skewed as her single relationship was far from normal in any sense of the word.

Still, with her "teachings" in mind, the girls tried in their own way to get closer to Jun while fighting their insecurities except Atalanta that was still held over by her vows of chastity.

As such, when they found out that despite having technically spent more time with Jun due to his relatively long stay in the Nasuverse and their excursions into the Tower of Akasha, the DxD girls had managed to progress further in their relationship with him.

After all, they had already crossed the kissing hurdled that still eluded many of them. This lit a fire in the more competitive girls which also gave some impetus to the others as they eyed Jun with fire in their eyes.

Jun, still willfully ignorant of such undercurrents, was enjoying the care of the Homunculi Maids who were stealthily fighting for the honor of personally serving him.

As this pleasant time continued, he suddenly felt multiple heated gazes upon him which left him quite puzzled, even if not alarmed.

He was never one to fear the burning gazes of women on him . . . Maybe when little Jack stared at him with less than pure childish intentions he did get a couple of chills . . .

Regardless, it was an immensely pleasurable evening, seeing all the girls mingle and interact with each other while sending the occasional glance his way as he was pampered by the Homunculi Maids.

Jun thought about interrupting the gathering to make his announcements but decided against it, letting everyone enjoy the evening as he was in no particular rush. While he had a time limit, it was not a matter that another night of waiting would affect.

Soon enough, night arrived and while many did not exactly need sleep, most of them learned to enjoy it.

Jun's entire night was spent "caring for" his beloved queens. Penthesilea, Morgan and Scathach from the Nasuverse and Cleria from DxD.

This invited jealous glares, pointed and the involved parties but everyone knew better than to offend the queens.

While Cleria was by far the most easygoing and down to earth amongst them, she still wasn't an easy bone to pick with, not to mention the others.

The queen of a tribe of mythical warriors and a descendent of the god of war Ares himself, a ruthless tyrant that ruled over Fairy Britain for Millenia with absolute power and the Queen of the Land of Shadows who killed some many Divine Spirits and Near Gods that she lost her own mortality . . .

May Akasha have pity on the fools that stand against those three because they sure won't.

After a night Jun dared say was even more pleasant the the evening before, everyone gathered again but this time, the atmosphere was more solemn, time had come for Jun's announcements to be made.

They knew they had great importance, otherwise he would not have gone through the trouble of gathering them all.

Poor Kouki and Tobio were excluded since Jun totally put them out of his mind ever since they opted out of the gathering due to their mere discomfort. Though he could partially understand them, he had no patience to humor their sensibilities.

After all, some of the girls could not have been too comfortable meeting the full extent of what Jun secretly liked to call his Harem but they stuck it out anyway.

"To start, I'm going to tell you about a problem which I came across, personal one but whose solution will affect everyone of us positively . . . Well, depending on your level of commitment and strength but more on that later." Jun started.

Many of the girls were shocked already as they had a near omnipotent view of him but Scathach and Morgan who seemed to be more in the loop than the others due to their wisdom and ability to figure things out with what little info jun let slip were completely expecting it.

Despite Morgan not coming to Jun like Scathach, she too showed a high understanding of her husband, perhaps even more so than the Mistress of Dun Scaith.

Whatever their opinions though, everyone kept their silence and waited for Jun to continue.

"It seems that in my uhh, endeavours, to grow more powerful, I've laid my hands on power with, let's say, undesirable repercussions." Jun continued.

"It is called Apokalypsis an-" He kept going but was interrupted by Scathach.

"The embodiment of the end, the incarnation of a change in Order." Scathach shook her head.

"If it was just that you wouldn't be considering it a problem so I guess the Order your power is meant to change is quite high up on the scale?" She shared her views.

"Perceptive as always." Jun said.

"While many of you may not fully realize what that entails, I am connected to the Root of Akasha, the literal source of all things and all worlds. As such, Apokalypsis manifesting in me means well . . ." He paused.

"The literal END of everything."

"Wouldn't you just be incredibly powerful? Enough to destroy everything but you could simply choose not to do it." Cleria said in confusion.

"It does not work as such." This time, it was Morgan who spoke.

"For existences on our level, our power and abilities also define who we are to a certain extent. In husband's case, he would eventually become a pure embodiment of the END whose entire purpose would be to usher in the ultimate change in Order." She explained.

"Exactly." Jun confirmed.

And all hell broke loose.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.