Making Arrangements

With Iri and Magdalena squared away for later, Jun paused for a bit and considered the identities of the various individuals that wanted Maya and Natalia to arrange a meeting with him.

He knew all of them from his substantial knowledge of the Nasuverse, even without needing to tap into the Root for answers but as he was not aware of their particular situation and goings, Jun still decided to have Asako with her multiple bodies and superb Presence Concealment check them out.

The ones Jun knew would want to meet him due to the task he assigned his two mercenary girls, were easy enough to understand. Reines El-Melloi Archisorte and her adopted brother, Waver Velvet, now also known as Lord El-Melloi II.

During the 4th Holy Grail War in Fuyuki, Jun collected Kayneth, the former Lord El-Melloi's Magic Crest after Maya killed him by his command, leaving mere scraps for the Archibald family he commanded behind.

He was originally planning on keeping the body and use the entire package as a bargaining chip but he doubted the El-Melloi Faction would survive without at least something so he just too over ninety per cent of his Magic Crest and Delivered his body to his lovely Fiancee's location.

She, fearing for her life and knowing Kayneth was dead and Lancer most likely gone, took the body back to the Clock Tower, handing it over to the Archibald Family.

The death of one of the esteemed Lords of the Clock Tower lead the faction he controlled to collapse into infighting as assets such as talents, lands, and Mystic Codes, that were all amassed under the name of El-Melloi and had been passed down since antiquity, were all stolen away by rivals and branch families of the Archibald lineage.

As a result, the only things left over for the main family were the title of El-Melloi, and a debt of astronomical proportions, both meant to be inherited by a young Reines El-Melloi Archisorte.

Originally Kayneth's niece and a member of the Archisorte Branch Family of the Archibald, she was adopted into the main family as the dead Lord's sisters and forcefully made into his successor due to possessing the greatest compatibility with the Source Crest of the Archibald of which only scraps were left.

Repairing it would take generations and Reines was still far too young to take up the mantle of Lord El-Melloi and so she coerced Waver who, for some reason, probably stealing his former teacher's catalyst, felt guilty of his death, to take up the mantle for her until she came of age.

She did this due to Waver's excellence despite his poor talent in magecraft which she observed, the fact that he was a survivor of the 4th Holy Grail War but more importantly, because she felt able to "convince" him into doing so.

And now, Maya and Natalia, whose reputations were rising in the Mage's Association, in both good and bad ways, came to her with with Kayneth's Crest in almost perfect condition, courtesy of their "Boss". It was no wonder she became interested.

After some digging and prying, considering Waver had actually met Jun, Reines quickly found out the two ladies' so called "Boss" was most likely the winner of the 4th Holy Grail War, the mysterious and elusive Jun Haikami, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Young as she was, Reines grew up a schemer by necessity since assassinations attempts on her became commonplace the moment she was designated as heir to the El-Melloi name and finding such a resource to exploit like she considered Jun to be, was simply and opportunity she could not allow herself to pass up.

All of this however, was under Jun's predictions. In fact, things were moving exactly in the way he wanted them to in regards to Reines and Waver.

The surprise that came from beyond his predictions however, was the second group that was looking for him at the moment.

Said group only had a vague description of the individual they were looking for and simply thought Jun's description that was floating around in magi circles fit nicely and thus decided to try and get confirmation.

Jun however, was almost certain that he was exactly who the group was looking for and that was due to finding two individuals within said group that shared a very critical similarity with himself.

More specifically, a connection to the Root of Akasha.

The connection all three of them possessed was different. Meaning that while all three individuals, Jun included, were connected to the Root, their connections varied in form, function and benefits provided.

Jun had known they existed from the start and had even pondered on the matter of meeting them, electing to seek them out when he had no other matters to take care of that were more pressing in nature.

He didn't however expect that they would band together and gather a few other individuals to help them seek him out.

After all, as far as he knew, the two individuals had no contact or interest in each other in iterations of the Nasuverse where he himself did not exist.

As such, now that they had joined with the apparent goal of finding him, Jun deduced that his presence was the determining factor for the change, the only question and his only doubt was how exactly that was the case.

Whatever the case, Jun trusted Asako who had been both enhanced by him and the binding to his Domina Coronam to gather information with no one catching any hint of it and so, he elected to wait for the investigation's results before setting up a meeting with the group seeking him out.

While Asako took care of this however, Jun decided not to waste time and begin dealing with some on the other matters on his table. Namely, he was going to deliver Gray and Magdalena to their respective trainers and visit Fran in order to try and figure out what was bothering her.

In the end, Jun informed Magdalena and Gray that he wished to see them in the next morning after Sakura and Illya went to school and after that, he went to work out his stress with Scathach . . . In more ways than one . . .

The next morning, after sending his girls off to school, much to their delight since he usually was not around to do it, Jun faced the mother and daughter pair of Magdalena and Gray.

"I'm going to be taking you both to a place that is sort of like the headquarters of my entire group. It is also my noble phantasm." Jun informed.

"Magdalena will be under that care of one of my wives who I believe is the most qualified for granting you the potential and power you desire." He continued.

"As for Gray, you will be training with another of my wives while Illya and Sakura are at school. You will generally be able to come back home at the end of the day but if your new teacher decides otherwise, she was the authority to keep you since I'm entrusting her with your training." Jun concluded-

"Any questions before we go?" He asked.

Magdalena bowed in silent acceptance and Gray cutely but quietly shook her head to affirm she had no questions either.

"Excellent!" Jun exclaimed and, with a snap of his fingers, the three of them found themselves in the Crown of Undeath: Dun Scaith, where Jun arranged to meet his two wives.

Though . . . It seemed as if a few other characters were present as well . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.