Wives' Endeavours V

While the two warrior queens underwent this extreme training of theirs while cutting back on the time they spent helping others, their fellow queen Morgan, she too spent less time training and developing her "subjects" now being fully immersed in her endeavour to create a summoning ritual capable of bringing Artoria Avalon to her.

Unfortunately for the Winter Queen, as she was sometimes called, the endeavour was running into a very critical problem.

Truthfully, said problem was only a problem due to Jun's current state, however, if Morgan waited for his ascension to be complete, it would be meaningless to proceed with her own summon of Artoria Avalon as Jun could do it himself with much greater ease.

Amidst her breaks to refresh her mind and welcome new ideas, Morgan took the time to observe of her two fellow queens and their rather barbaric methods to accrue greater power.

And, while Penthesilea had yet to show the means to pose a threat to the Fae Queen's hegemony on the number one spot in the harem, Scathach's new drive to seek greater heights was definitely a danger she could not ignore.

Morgan had always seen great potential in Scathach, a woman, who despite being born as nothing but a talented human, became someone capable of killing Near Gods, time and time again.

The Queen of Dun Scaith had killed so many wraiths, heroes and divine spirits that not even Death itself dared to claim her.

When compared to Morgan who was born a Great Mother Class Fairy and required a drastic change in the progression of human history to achieve the power she had, it was clear to see that while lacking in ultimate attainment of power, considering starting points, Scathach was a dangerous opponent for the current number one.

With her drive to improve and reach greater heights reignited, her desire for death gone, and a willingness to do unspeakable things like creating an outrageously cursed noble phantasm to pursue that peak of power, Scathach stood a very good chance indeed.

That however, was something the Queen who always had to have her way, who always had to be number one, could not tolerate.

Alas, hampering Scathach or even worse, seeking to eliminate her, would draw the ire of her husband, something Morgan would never ever want to do, not to mention she got along surprisingly well with her "sisters" despite their extensive differences.

And so, Morgan was only left with only one choice, to better herself to the point she was unassailable in her number one spot. However, with her precarious existence due to factors only she was aware of as their mere reveal could erase her, Morgan could not wilfully improve herself.

Hence, the answer laid in fixing that issue through the summon of Artoria Avalon, strengthening herself by a fair bit in the process and granting her free reign to improve her strength however much she could with no blowback.

These circumstances made the summoning no longer a good effort that would not really harm her if failed and would greatly benefit her if successful.

Now, Morgan had to succeed, no matter what, her position was at stake and while others like Cleria did not pay much mind to such things, prefering to put their focus onto other matters, to the Fae Queen, it was a matter of the utmost importance.

Like it was previously said however, she was currently running into one single big issue that prevented her progress.

Much like Morgan predicted, she managed to replicate Jun's summoning abilities to some extent and, being that they were created by the Root itself for him, that was a monumental feat on its own.

Unfortunately, the sheer amount of magical energy it took to operate the summoning system she had created, was off the charts. Morgan, despite having accumulated a huge store of magical energy, enough to make seem limitless, could not supply the system by herself.

Realizing this, she removed every non essential part of the system, making it unable to summon anyone that she did not have a powerful connection with. The ability to summon any heroic spirit was gone, even with catalysts, no longer could beings without a direct association with Morgan herself could be summoned.

This action immediately dropped the cost of operation by a massive amount, however, it still remained out of reach for the Fae Queen.

Jun's summoning worked because it was partially supported by the root, he only needed the magical energy to prime it. Even then it was costly though. Morgan on the other hand, had to provide the energy for everything which created the issue.

She set out to further optimize her build, steadily improving it, shaving down every last unnecessary bit while polishing all the essential ones to the limit, lowering the cost of usage by a marginal amount each time.

Eventually however, the Fae Queen ran out of both things to improve upon and things she could cut off.

She had hit a wall she could not surpass. Lowering the cost further would be utterly impossible. The only thing the Queen of Winter could do now, was find way to top up her supply of magical energy in order to feed her summoning ritual.

After pondering on this issue, Morgan came to an obvious conclusion.

'If I lack enough magical energy, I simply need to take the remainder from others until that is no longer the case.' She thought to herself.

Truly a Morgan like conclusion. She could not however target Jun's group for obvious reasons, she could ask them to contribute but her pride would not allow it and if others caught wind of her little project's nature, someone who was capable of realizing the danger involved might warn her husband who would not doubt shut it down out of concern for her safety.

It warmed the queens ice block of an heart that her husband cared for her so, alas, she would let nothing stop her from seeing this endeavour through before his ascension.

And so did Morgan turn, to one location she could access that would give her all she required and more . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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