Wives' Endeavours X

Even if he was not inside it at the moment, could such big movements be hidden from the master of Domina Coronam himself?

The answer was of course no.

Morgan made sure no one inside Domina Coronam would be able to feel what she was up to, even those within the Crown of Heroes: Camelot, would be utterly unable to sense her undertaking, much less those in other parts of the Flying Citadel.

Alas, since her actions were less about bringing something to Domina Coronam and more like a full on upgrade to one of its Ten Crown, a true modification, there was simply no way that Jun, the owner of the Noble Phantasm that could be said to be literally a part of him, would not notice.

The moment he felt a critical change, he dropped his relaxed holiday, kissing Cleria goodbye while not worrying her by telling her what he felt exactly, he left in a smooth, unhurried manner as he realized he was only getting stronger and no danger was present.

After arriving, he immediately extended his senses to the Crown of Heroes where he felt the disturbance and instantly, Morgan''s endeavour was made clear, leaving him completely stunned for a bit.

He still had no idea about Morgan's ambition to summon Artoria Avalon by copying and modifying his summoning powers but the fact that the Fairy Queen was successfully fusing the entirety of the Isle of Avalon with the Crown of Heroes was most certainly shocking enough and extremely impressive to say the least.

After making sure there was no issue, Jun considered helping his wife with the spatial channel by expanding it with his Authority over the entirety of Domina Coronam, making the transfer much easier, he could even help out by making the fusion much smoother as well.

In the end though, he decided not to do anything and just observe his wife's efforts. After all, this was something she had achieved all on her own, a monumental feat that would both benefit her greatly while also helping him alot.

If he came in right at the end and finished the process with his power, would it not detract from Morgan's achievement? He knew the Fairy Queen was one of the most prideful and independent members of his group so he realized that letting her make this achievement all by herself would be that much more meaningful to her.

Jun was aware that all his queen needed was his support, praise and amazement afterwards, followed by some love no doubt. And so he just watched contentedly as Morgan worked hard for him and herself, though it actually sounded quite bad when put that way.

Seeing things from Morgan's perspective, she carefully monitored the whole transfer and fusion process, using her magecraft to make changes directly every instance she saw some adjustments were required, thus making the whole thing as smooth and seamless as she possibly could.

Jun was actually quite impressed by how perfect the fusion process was going.

Considering Morgan's very limited Authority over Domina Coronam, even while taking into account that her whole endeavour was based on the Crown where her Authority was focused, it was still shocking how seamless the preliminary bonding between Camelot and Avalon actually was.

There were actually a lot of factors make things go as smoothly as they were going. Morgan's Authority over the Crown of Heroes and her skill in magecraft along with her awesome power level were just pieces of the whole puzzle.

The first thing was the fact that the Crown of Heroes: Camelot, its current version at least, was made with Morgan's own noble phantasm, Lordless Camelot as its foundation. As such, the Fairy Queen's connection to it, mastery of it as well as her knowledge of it was far greater that it would have been otherwise.

Another factor was the real Camelot's connection to the fairies of Avalon since they helped build it. Viviane, the Lady of the Lake and one of the facets of Pan Human History's Morgan was the keystone behind this fairy help.

Avalon and the British Isles where Camelot once stood were also corresponding locations, being at the exact same area in the World, except one was on the Front Side and other was in the Reverse Side, hence Morgan's idea to use Avalon to make her Crown double sided.

Morgan's deep connection to Avalon alos made far easier to wield its power and control it through the formation she set up as a preparation.

As for why not even those inside the Crown of Heroes managed to figure out what was going on, it was simply due to the fact that Morgan used her magecraft and Authority to create an Empty Reverse Side of the Crown, that's where the channel led.

In other words, the changes were impossible to be felt on the Front side as, while connected, they were, in the end, separate Textures.

The fact fact that his Fairy Queen managed to make that much change in one of his Ten Crown without him noticing was by far one of the most shocking things for Jun.

He may have instantly realized something was up the moment Morgan created the channel between the Isle of Avalon and the Reverse Side of the Crown of Heroes but the actual creation of said Reverse side went completely unnoticed by him until that very day.

Needless to say, Morgan could safely expect colossal praise for her monumental achievement . . . And a spanking for making such large alterations to Jun's noble phantasm without even running the idea by him.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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