Unwelcome Guest VII

"The world is unfair little girl. And I care little for it unless said unfairness is targeted at me or my girls." Jun said, making everyone other than his wives shocked at such a view.

Still, they were shocked only because of their own misconceptions about Jun. It was not like he ever tried to pretend to be anything he wasn't. Jun simply did not care to constantly explain the intent behind each of his actions and other simply came to their own erroneous conclusions.

Not everyone though. Though all DxD denizens in the room were shocked, Azazel had grasped Jun's personality quite accurately which was the main reason their dealings were based on mutual benefits rather than illusory things like good will, a sense of cause or belonging and such things.

"Don't you think such a way of living his selfish Jun-san?" Sona asked.

It might have felt she was criticizing Jun's views but she was only trying to better understand him, a fact proved by the lack of reaction by Jun's wives, specially Morgan who tends to react quite excessively to disrespect.

"It is. I'm an inherently selfish guy after all." Jun casually responded.

"But you also said you cared for your own some you're not completely selfish." Rias commented from the side.

"It just depends on your way of seeing things." Jun said.

"For example, there are people that care for nothing other than their lives, wealth and power for example, which you would definitely see as selfish." He continued, receiving nods.

"I'm pretty much the same except the things that I value are different." He then said.

"The things that you value . . ." Sona pondered out loud.

"Right. Some care for wealth and power but for me, those things are easy to gain so while I love them, i care little if I must sacrifice them on occasion." Jun shared.

"My girls on the other hand, once they are gone, they are gone, so I obviously value them a lot more and am willing to sacrifice a lot for them." He continued.

"Even then, I cannot say I care for them over myself." Jun concluded.

"So you you care about them but still care about yourself more?" Rias inquired.

Jun shook his head in response, leaving everyone confused, even his wives. After all, it was not like they knew everything that went inside their husband's head.

As for what he had said, they were not foolish little girls filled with romantic delusions to the point of demanding their man to care for them above anything else. In fact, Jun's attitude that never allowed others, even them, to take advantage was one they deeply appreciated.

None of the three really appreciated the kind of herbivore men that would sacrifice everything for them.

So even they were curious as to what Jun was going to say next.

"I cannot say I care for my girls over myself because I essentially don't see them as a separate entity. They are a part of me so caring for them is the same as caring for myself." Jun declared.

It was sophistry but . . . It also gave the feeling that Jun truly believed in his words.

His three wives were shocked but them smiles with pleasure. They were a part of him so when he care for them it was just like caring for himself . . .

For some reason those words really tugged at their heartstrings as they felt quite sweet, each deciding to "reward" their husband after the whole debacle was over.

Alas, they failed to notice a very key component in Jun's words. Whenever he was referring to his wives, he would directly say so but when he said his girls, he was referring to his whole group, not just the official wives but all the prospective harem members as well.

"Well, whatever the my way of thinking is, understanding it will not provide the means to change the current situation." Jun shrugged.

"Jun-dono . . . may I ask what punishment will I and my peerage receive?" Riser sudden asked.

"You're peerage will only be imprisoned for a while after which I will set them loose. Responsibility majorly lies with you as their master after all and this punishment is more of a matter of principle." Jun replied.

Riser too gave a sigh of relief as did the girls of his peerage but said relief was only partial, after all, even if his peerage was safe, he was not and since his girls cared for him, they could not be completely relieved, knowing their master, lover or brother would be no doubt facing a most cruel punishment.

"As for you, I do have a punishment thought up, one that will not only be harsh for you but also quite the insult to the entire Devil Race. That way, everyone will understand that not only will the sinners be punished but even their people will face disgrace at my hands in retaliation." Jun added.

All the Devils in the room gulped. It was clear that Jun intended to go all the way and even those who had good relations with him, would of course not be okay with him targeting their race, both for theirs and their people's sake, as all as for his own since they vastly underestimated the power of his faction.

Sona and Rias had no idea that Jun took a war between him and the entirety of the Devil Race as a mere unfortunate inconvenience.

"Still, even though it is unlike unlikely the way I see it, there is still hope for you Riser Phenex." Jun suddenly said.


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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

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