Underworld Negotiations X

The appointed time had arrived and when Morgan along with her two escorts, Jeanne and her sister Artoria arrived at the Occult Research Club building, Grayfia was already there waiting for them.

The one who greeted the trio upon arrival however, was someone they knew of but had yet to see in person.

"It is good to finally meet one of Jun-kun's wives. I can only imagine what it would take to be worthy." Serafall skillfully greeted and though Morgan knew it was flattery, she certainly did not mind hearing it, even if not appreciating it as much as the twin tailed Satan thought she would.

In her mind, someone as prideful as Morgan would certainly appreciate such a compliment but having heard so much insincere and sincere praise and flattery over her millenia long reign of Faerie Britain, one could she say she had long grown bored of such things and they did pretty much nothing for her.

If Morgan appreciated something, it was how Jun was praised in the greeting since though she was quite immune to praises directed at herself, she still did very much enjoy when praise was levied towards her beloved husband.

"Greetings Satan Leviathan." The Fairy queen greeted back, cold but with the politeness expected of someone of her class and position, showing poise and nobility.

"Shall we depart?" Serafall suggested.

"Indeed, we have no time to waste." Morgan replied.

Serafall nodded and created a magic circle to move them to the train station that would lead them to the underworld, it being the proper official way to enter in modern times.

"If you please enter the magic circle." She bade the trio but they did not move.

"We will handle moving to the station ourselves." Morgan simply declared, showing how little she thought of them and how she trusted them even less.

"Very well." Serafall nodded without a change in expression masking her thoughts completely like the proficient diplomat she was.

And this skill in handling herself gave her more of Morgan's approval than any compliment ever would, the Fairy Queen was someone who appreciated competence above all with the exception of loyalty.

Grayfia and Serafall then used their magic circle while Morgan made use of her transference magecraft known as Water Mirror or Infinity Mirror, to move to the train station instantly.

With no further smalltalk, Grayfia led them inside into a VIP exclusive train car while Serafall discreetly evaluated the trio of girls representing Jun, seeking to figure out what kind of people they were and perhaps why they were chosen as representatives and escorts.

As Morgan had participated in the events preceding the current debacle, Serafall already had a pretty good idea of the kind of individual she was, even if she had only gotten a general idea yet without too much depth.

The other two however, were a mystery and as dealing with people one knew nothing about was the hardest, Serafall sought to grasp as much as she could about them through observation of their attitude, their way of carrying themselves and their general demeanor.

Her first impression was that the three of them looked remarkably similar. One could even say their faces all came out of the same mold.

Morgan looked older and was taller, the girl with the long hair tied in a thick braid was clearly more curvy voluptuous and feminine than the other two despite giving off a purer, more innocent feeling.

As for the last girl, she was quite short and her figure did not show much through her clothes but her poise and demeanour were quite imposing despite her smaller stature. So much so that it was quite close to Morgan's own queenly disposition.

Based on the similarities, Serafall theorized the three were all sisters however quickly dismissed it since they didn't really feel or act like it but then again, that didn't meant they were not related in some way.

But such matters aside, their personalities were the more important things to grasp for now and with how silent they seemed intent on being, Serafall would not be able to guess much more and so, she made her move to get them talking.

Trying to just make conversation would definitely not give her any favors since Serafall had no doubt in her mind that Morgan would not really appreciate it so mentioning the detour to meet with the other Satans to discuss the very profitable offer they prepared would be the way to go.

With this in mind, Serafall approached the trio and facing Morgan, she spoke her piece.

"We, the Four Satans, would appreciate a moment of your time and I am certain you will not find it wasted." Satan Leviathan spoke clearly and straight to the point.

"Very well then. If you are so sure." Morgan calmly replied.

Artoria kept the same expression through the brief exchange but Jeanne showed a bit of surprise that Serafall did not miss.

Leaving the trio to their devices, she gave the signal to her fellow Satans that everything was going smoothly so far and the train slowed down so that there was plenty of time for some extra negotiation before the actual official negotiations.

While she waited for them to come however, Serafall pondered on the meaning of of the surprise she felt.

It would be easy to assume she was simply surprise because such a thing was not in the plans but seeing the other two act as if everything was going exactly as intended, Serafall doubted that was the case.

And so, there was only one probable possibility left. The girl was surprised because things were going exactly according to their plans. In other words . . .

'Everything is proceeding according to Jun-kun's scenario it seems . . .'


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