Underworld Negotiations XVIII

The meeting had fallen into a very strange silence as the present parties revealed their information on Jun and his group.

The highlight, or like the only substantial piece of information they had, was Jun's complete obliteration of Augusta, one of the most powerful witches in the world and a wielder of one of the three Holy Relics, a longinus class Sacred Gear, the Incinerate Anthem.

There were also some rumors about an altercation with the Five Principal Clans and their Sacred Beast users and about his recruitment of some of the Four Fiends. Additionally, he was also suspected to have ties to the two major yokai factions.

Finally, there was the very obvious association with Azazel.

There was no doubt Jun was well connected but the only piece of information they had that could give a hint to his personal strength was woefully outdated, especially considering the speed of his rise to power.

Worse still, they knew of some of his most trusted and probably most powerful subordinates but hadn't the slightest idea of where they came from or what they could actually do. They did not even have a rough estimate on their numbers.

"So for all intents and purposes. We know he is personally strong, at least Satan-class but other than that, we do not know how many subordinate he has, how powerful these subordinates are, not even the location of his seat of power." Ajuka casually arranged everything they knew into a small paragraph's worth of words.

"If that is all that we can put pressure on him to cave to our demands can we not?" A lord suggested.

"Satan-class is the bare minimum. He was at that level years ago and based on his interaction with his wives, they should not be that much weaker than him, if at all." Sirzechs put out.

"Our foe's greatest advantage is our lack of knowledge." Zeoticus spoke.

"Indeed." Lord Bael agreed.

"And that is why we must apply pressure. If they still do nothing that that means secrecy is his only weapon. If we they do respond with action, than we know for sure that what is hidden is to be respected as powerful." He added.

"The problem is that if we base things on what we know of his personality and attitude, Kaikami Jun is not bluffing and testing him like so will in all probability have disastrous consequences for our people." Sirzechs countered.

Before Lord Bael could come up with a persuasive counter argument however, Creuserey of the Old Satan Faction wanted to jump in once again.

"No matter how powerful he is, he cannot have accumulated more power than our entire race! We as proud Devils must not fear such upstarts. Decisive action is needed. If we are not willing to even put our opponents to the test, than what does that say about us?" He questioned with a harsh and accusatory tone.

"Then do so at your own risk and bear the consequences yourself. I will warn you though, you might not even have time to regret it." Sirzechs calmly responded.

Morgan almost let out a smile at the way things were progressing.

"Sirzechs Lucifer is basically singling him out for elimination. Provoking the problematic Old Satan Faction into messing with us so that they take on the full measure of our wrath, leaving the more tempered Great King Faction and themselves out of the conflict as much as possible." She analyzed.

"Our main target is the Great King Faction though. But considering their position, drawing them in should only take a little restraint." Artoria pointed out.

"Indeed. The New Satans are willing to pay for peace, the Old Satans are by far the most confrontational and wish to make an example out of us so as to show off their power. As for the Great King Faction, their still on the fence and will likely remain as such until the actual meeting." Morgan said in response.

"Like you said though sister, so long as we take a more passive approach in the beginning, they will interpret it as weakness and jump in, thus allowing us to take our pick about who we want to go after." She added, even calling Artoria sister without any mocking intent, a very rare occurrence.

Artoria herself was a bit taken aback by that but fostering a good relationship with her sister was most definitely something she did not mind doing and even wanted so she was pleased by the occurrence indeed.

"But we may as well take care of the Old Satan Faction while we're at it no?" Jeanne questioned.

"Of course we will take the chance to hit them but only enough to hurt, not kill. They are affiliated, even if still secretly, with the Khaos Brigade and Jun does not wish for us to start going after them in earnest right now." Morgan explained.

"I see. They are enemies that still have a use them." Jeanne understood.

"Exactly." Morgan confirmed and while they were discussing, the pre meeting had reached an impasse and with tensions still somewhat high, it was time for Morgan, Artoria and Jeanne to officially enter the stage so that the true meeting could finally start.

Right on cue, Grayfia received a message from her husband to guide their guest in as the negotiations were about to take place.

"Lady Morgan, if you would come right this way." The silver haired maid bade the Fairy Queen.

Morgan rose from her seat while her escorts followed suit and silently, all three followed Grayfia into a corridor than led to the large room where the meeting was taking place at.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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