Chain Reaction III

"We wanted to talk about your wife's visit to the underworld." Rias said, the wife part still seemingly being hard to palate for the young miss.

"What about it? Haven't you girls heard everything there is to hear from your brother and sister?" Jun responded but the girls remained silent.

"Well?" He pressed.

"My brother just ordered us to stay put and didn't say anything." Rias said with an irate expression.

"Oh." Jun simply reacted.

"I'll summarize it for then." He said before fake coughing as if preparing himself for a speech.

"So basically, Morgan went there for a meeting, the Four Satans met her and made an "under the table" whose conditions ran along the lines of . . . "We forgive any minor slights thrown at us by your people and you do not interfere when we retaliate against great offenses"."

"There were a few more points but then was the gist of it. Only then did the actual diplomatic negotiations take place." Jun started and the two young misses were already plenty shocked.

Still, they had no idea he had not even gotten started on the real juicy stuff that would leave them utterly flabbergasted.

"During the actual meeting, things inevitably went south due to insurgents wanting to make some chaos and undermine the Satans' authority but they had no idea just how much chaos Morgan's retaliation would cause." Jun continued and the two young devils gulped in nervousness and anticipation.

"One of my wife's escorts, Artoria, blew up the meeting hall with a single swing of her holy sword and a stand off occurred." Sona and Rias' hearts dropped but Jun was only getting started.

"Simultaneously, expertly position infiltrators started hammering the factions that messed with us in the meeting and messages reached the devil leaders in the meeting before Morgan cut off any access to the outside with a barrier, making all those present, including Ajuka Beelzebub, Grayfia-san and Sirzechs Lucifer unable to participate in the widespread battles in the underworld."

Uncaring for the upheaval his words were causing in the two young girls' hearts, Jun carelessly continued with his abridged version of the events.

"With that, the conflict was split into two fronts. Morgan and her two escorts facing the aforementioned three along with the lords of most of the 72 Pillars and another wider conflict between specialists of my faction and a resistance led by Falbium Asmodeus and later Zekram Bael who joined the fray afterwards."

Sona and Rias could not even process that just a couple of people from Jun's faction managed to cause such chaos and even go against all the greatest living legends of the Devil Race and not be on the losing end. Little did they know, things were not so simply and just "not being on the losing end".

"Although the Satans had agreed not to interfere with our retaliation, they did so anyway considering how wild were were going with it and, unfortunately for them, their interference did not produce very good results . . . Putting it mildly." Jun shrugged.

"What does that mean!?" Rias was getting a little to exalted but Jun just made her settle down, holding his hand in her direction and just saying . . .

"I'll get to that. Patience." Young redhead was clearly bereft of patience and even Sona was far to anxious for storytelling drama. Both of them wanted the info right then and there but Jun just kept going as he was so far, completely unbothered.

"Where was I? Ah yes. So, old Falbium semi successfully put a dampener on the large scale conflict shortly after it started but he basically only slowed things down a bit while completely failing to stop my people from doing their thing." He resumed his telling of the events.

"On Morgan's side, things went even worse, for your people I mean. First, Grayfia-san, Ajuka-san and Sirzechs-san tried to mount a good defense and assault while the Great King Faction attempted to flee the scene but it all went sideways."

"How sideways!?" Rias interjected again but Jun continued as if she had not spoke, he was about to say just that anyways.

"Well, the attacking and escaping parts failed miserably. Morgan set up a spatial barrier than made leaving impossible and not only was every single attack effortlessly blocked by Morgan's other escort, Jeanne, Sirzechs-san was drawn into a subspace for a duel with Artoria who I previously mentioned."

"Things stalled a bit after that as the previous stalemate resumed."

"Wait! One of your people fought Nii-sama one on one in a subspace!?" Rias seemed utterly shocked.

"Yeah. It was originally part of the plan but Artoria saw it a good opportunity to get a feel for his power level so she went ahead and trapped him along with herself in a special dimension for a no holds barred duel." Jun said in response.

"So what happened?" Sona was incredibly curious. Sirzechs was after all, the Satan most adept in terms of individual combat prowess. She had even heard from her sister that the crimson haired Satan was on a whole nother level when compared to the rest of them.

"Apparently, it was quite troublesome taking him out without actually killing him." Jun carelessly replied.

"Anyways. After that fight was done, Artoria gave the unconscious Sirzechs-san back to the rest of the folk while Morggan shattered the defensive barrier Ajuka-san had put up just to make sure they knew how outclassed they were." He approached the end of the story.

"Then she fired a long range attack that nearly killed Falbium-san who was fighting another of my people far away and then they all left the underworld. That's about it." Jun irresponsibly rushed the end because he was getting bored.

Rias and Sona were going through a crisis. The general tone of the conversations they had with their siblings was enough to let them realize things went really badly for their side but now, they knew that the real situation, was infinitely worse than their wildest dreams.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.