Chain Reaction IX

Soon, however, Azazel received a message from his most capable subordinate, informing him that they found Jun's location, apparently, he was having fun on a date in Kyoto with the Nine Tailed Fox who led the yokai there.

Hearing those news, he was torn between being supremely annoyed at Jun's dismissal and being utterly impressed by the demeanor of blowing off business for beauties without a second thought.

He knew it was not some sort of power play even without meeting him. Jun had definitely just felt like going on a date and blew him off.

'What a man.' The fallen angel nodded to himself.

Meanwhile, his messages were intercepted by the bounded fields surrounding and permeating Jun's personal little castle and Asako redirected them to him right away so he would be aware.

Jun's response? Pretending. Pretending that nothing happened and no information reached him. For in that moment, he was Yasaka's.

The foxy beauty did not even notice he received a message, that how skillfully Jun had ignored it. Ignoring problems and work was actually a skill honed in his insignificant previous life, who knew that it would remain so useful in certain situations like the present one.

Despite this, the date itself was nothing out of the ordinary. Yasaka just wanted the classic, flirting all over the various scenic sights of kyoto that she knew all too well, she even took Jun to various exclusive "supernatural denizens only" allowed spots for a complete dating tour.

To top things of and make sure Kunou would be pouting for weeks, Yasaka and Jun stayed the night out in the Enma-tei, an inn ran by a famous yokai, known for being the best in the business.

They booked the whole thing and made enough "noise and mess" to drive the most hardworking and patient worker crazy as they shamelessly made love all night without bothing to even sleep. Only after that did they snuggle together and slept away most of the next day.

Waking up in the middle of the afternoon, they had a snack in Enma-tei together before returning to Yasaka's home where and teary eyed and fiercely pouting Kunou awaited the both of them.

Temporarily pacifying the little fox loli was a shore to be sure as she was most definitely not responding to the usual tactics but when it became clear that Jun would be leaving very soon, even though she still made faces and refused to talk, Kunou still cutely snuggled up to Jun making cute noises and stayed as such until it was finally time for him to leave.

With a shining "Until next time Jun-sama! Come again soon!", Kunou escorted Jun out before giving him a goodbye hug to send him on his way.

Meanwhile, Yasaka gently watched over her daughter from a distance while sending the occasional seductive glance Jun's way as her own special form of goodbye and incentive for him to return sooner.

It had been pretty much a day and a half since Azazel came looking for him when Jun finally returned to Kuoh and saw him.

"You really know how to make a guy wait and you're not even a hot chick." Azazel jokingly complained with a wry smile while shaking his head sideways.

"You talk as if you don't do the same all the time to other people, both for your hobbies and for girls like I did." Jun casually countered.

"Point taken. But still, ditching me for girls? What happened to bros before hoes man?" Azazel continued with the banter and, since Azazel was not someone Jun minded the back and forth with, he followed suit.

"It's not like your whatcher hadn't told you already and you would do the same. You don't even preach it much less practice what you've just said. And you have to agree that Yasaka is not really a hoe but a very eligible milf." He countered once again.

"Once again, point taken. Especially the last part." Azazel casually and shamelessly gave Jun the point once again, not at all deterred by being on the losing side of the banter.

"Right then, I've wasted plenty of your time so we better get down to business before your second comes to drag you back to the work you've doubt used this meeting to justifiably neglect." Jun finally mentioned business first to get things going.

"Ah, you know me too well but you're right." Azazel's expression grew more serious.

"Let us get down to business then." He agreed.

"Alright, thought I'm have my guesses, tell me why you've seeked me out this time." Jun started the discussion.

"You certainly know already since it is not hard to guess. You are far more powerful and dangerous than I predicted and you've shown the willingness to use that power against others quite easily. As such, being an avid supported of lax peace myself, I've come to ask your future intentions." Azazel began his piece.

"Do we have more war in the horizon for us?" He questioned.

"We most certainly will but through no fault of my own, I actually plan to lay quiet for a while until I'm inevitably provoked into action once again." Jun candidly responded.

Azazel frowned at the response but the fact that Jun had no plans to go out looking for fights himself was already good enough in his book, if other so dearly wished to go forth towards their end, then that was not his problem, at the very least, he certainly hoped as much.

'The war that is coming is definitely the Khaos Brigade problem which seems to be getting bigger and bigger . . . Ugh . . .' The fallen angel internally mused.

"Right then, so . . . If war is not your aspiration, can I interest you in an alliance?"


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.