Solving a Conflict? II

Shuri was a bit confused.

She had expected arguing but both were silent. Convincing her husband had been all too easy since he could not defy her will in anyway, he had been "trained" by her far too thoroughly for that.The priestess knew that she had no such power over Jun so she had to resort to trickery.

Getting the two of them into the same room had been successful but if Shuri was to be honest, she kind of expected things to just evolve from there and she would merely try to guide it to a peaceful conclusion and so, the stiff and uncomfortable silence was messing up everything.

Akeno had been told to go to another room so they could talk openly as Shuri knew Jun and her husband would always want to spare her from their disagreement but seeing things were still not going anywhere, the housewife decided to set things in motion herself.

"Will you two fix this stupid misunderstanding already or what?" Shuri used an uncharacteristically harsh tone as she questioned the two of them.

Barakiel flinched but kept silent while Jun calmly put his tea down to say something.

"There is no misunderstanding Shuri-san. Concincidently, I had been discussing this "issue" with Azazel yesterday, right before I got your invitation to come and he has already understood that there is nothing to solve." Jun serenely explained.

"You and Azazel-sama spoke about this yesterday!?" Barakiel interjected but Jun masterfully ignored him.

"What do you mean there is no misunderstanding?" Shuri honed in on the part of his word that felt the most important to her.

"I for one understand Barakiel's motives, his actions and his feelings towards me and what I need, Azazel explained it all to me and it only confirmed what I already knew." Jun replied.

"Then why-?" Shuri started but Jun cut her off.

"Then why do I not solve this conflict?" He asked her to which Shuri nooded and even Barakiel was listening.

Jun claiming to understand him was one thing but since said understanding was the same as Azazel's then the words held far more weight in Barakiel's mind and so, he wanted to listen further.

"It is simple Shuri-san. Sometimes, understanding each other does not solve conflicts. Sometimes, it is precisely understanding that causes them. I know how your husband interpreted the situation you all faced and I know why he made the choices he made." Jun explained.

"And is precisely why I look down on him, why I despise him, why I think he is a worthless husband, father and man and why I would have killed him long ago if he was not Azazel's comrade, your husband and Akeno's father." He concluded before falling back into silence and drinking his tea.

Shuri and Barakiel were both shocked into stillness, for similar yet different reasons. The former because she had no idea the issue ran so deep on Jun's side. Shuri was aware he disliked her husband but she had no idea it was to that extent.

To her, the whole situation was like a pair of men butting heads needlessly over their useless pride but it appeared that, at least on Jun's side of the matter, the issue was not that light.

For Barakiel, is shock also came as a result of the unexpected gravity of the matter but in a completely different way. To him, they simply had different views on how things should be done and that generated mutual dislike for one another.

However, he never imagined that Jun despised him to the point of wanting to kill him. Although Barakiel did not appreciate the way Jun did things, he did have a grudging respect and gratitude for the things he did for the fallen angel's family and his general prowess and, to a certain extent, he believed that was something mutual.

Clearly though, that was far from being the case, Jun's own explanation of his side made all of that as clear as something could be.

"Why is that exactly? Why do feel that way?" Shuri was not satisfied, if she was to have any chance at solving the problem before her, she first had to completely understand it.

"Alright then. Let us pretend I did not exist, that I did not come to interact with you all and take the actions I took. What due to you think would have happened?" Jun questioned.

"The Himejima family would have continued to harass me and Akeno?" Shuri was a bit unsure about her response.

"Well you're wrong." Jun bluntly told her.

"They would have killed you, Akeno would either die with you or end up alone on the run until someone picked her up and I'd bet my life on you husband to not seek any payback from the Himejima other than maybe dealing with those directly responsible." He continued.

"That-" Shuri was at a loss for words.

"Then what should have I have done!? You may not have any duties beyond your whims but I do! I can't always be around. I'm a part of something bigger!" Barakiel interjected in a thunderous tone.

In contrast, Jun was a calm as he could possibly be, he had already deemed Barakiel as someone beyond salvation so he was not disturbed by his words his the slightest as he sipped his tea.

"Putting aside the fact that while I understand nobility and sacrifice, I would never give the life of my woman or my child for any cause . . ." Jun started and the married couple's faces already twisted at the hurtful truth in the spoken words.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.