Still, Shuri was a loyal and traditional woman, she'd stick by her husband, even if he was wrong. Although she might admonish him in private and punish him in her own ways when he screwed up, she would always stand by him in front of others.
That said, just because she felt the need to tie herself to a sinking ship, though that might be putting it too harshly, it did not mean she wished for her daughter to do the same, in fact, it was the exact opposite.
Shuri knew of her daughter's feelings and always encouraged her to pursue them. She would not let Jun's despising of her husband and his possible newly formed estrangement with herself to crush the chance for those feeling to be realized.
And that is precisely why she put her mouth close to her daughter's ear and spoke to her the following words, softly, yet firmly.
"I don't want to you stay away from him alright?" Shuri started.
"Not out of some sense of duty towards your father, not out of guilt for this deplorable situation that is in no way related to you, not out of shame and especially not out what others may say." She continued.
"Tomorrow, you're going to go to Kuoh and seek Jun out and pour out what your feeling, just be honest because that is the only way to go with him okay?" The mother concluded the words of encouragement she had for her daughter.
Akeno received them with open years and resolve was already forming behind her teary eyes. Never for a second did she ever give up on her love, even if that love's only purpose would be to hurt her because external circumstances would keep it from being realized
The young woman was already resolved to live forever with that pain if need be, her capability to pull that off being an entirely different matter.
No though, with her own mother, the person she treasured and trusted the most in the world pushing her to pursue that love, telling her that she had a chance, Akeno was even further emboldened to pursue it with all her being.
Before that though, she needed to understand how things became this way, the key events happened when she was very young and she did not know how everything became so twisted.
Akeno wished to know because, maybe, she could one day become the link that brought Jun and her family close again and because she wished to understand just why they had been driven apart.
"Okaa-sama . . ." Even without her saying anything else, Shuri already knew what her daughter wanted.
If Shuri was was being honest, she did not realize it was that bad until today, otherwise she would have never tried the way she tried to solve the issue. Hell, maybe she would just try to keep Jun and Barakiel out of each other's paths like they already tried to do.
Ironically, now that everything became so much worse, she had a much better grasp of exactly why things started going bad and how exactly they grew as worse as they did.
"It all started when those people of okaa-san's family came to cause to problems for us after Jun-san already created the bounded field around this mountain." Shuri started.
"I remember, Jun-sama took care of all of them in flash!" Akeno spoke with child like excitement, Jun had been her undefeatable hero since that moment.
"But it was also that moment where the issues between your father and Jun-san started." Shuri continued.
"Jun-san had dealt with those people quite harshly and in a very insulting and inflammatory way which, while feeling quite vidicating for me, also carried the possibility of drawing further trouble." She continued.
"Of course Jun-san is not that kind of person to leave things half way through and he already had everything figured out, the barrier protectings us being one of those considerations. Your father however, had issues with solving the conflict in such an abrasive manner, thinking it would only make things worse."
"A difference in opinions and methods. A simple and age old reason for a conflict to start but while it started emrely out of that, without me even noticing it, it became something far graver." Shuri spoke, reviewing history with a more illuminated mind.
"For all intents and purposes, regardless of his methods, Jun saved us but your father, as soon as our safety was confirmed, his first course of action was not to condemn those that threatened us but the one that saved us." She continued.
"That moment is what I think made Jun's simply dislike for your father's way of handling things into despisal for your father himself." Shuri arrived at that conclusion after thinking of the matter with Jun's words of today in mind.
"The way I see it, your father had his reasons but now even with my biased view in favor towards him as my husband, I can only see his way as wrong and the results speak for themselves yet, your father's stubbornness makes him stuck in his ways." She kept explained how she saw the matter to her daughter.
"Jun-san strikes me as a practical person, flexible and efficient. He analyzes, others and himself, sees mistakes and adapts to do better. His stubbornness is more about his goals, not his way of reaching them."
"Your father is almost the exact opposite. Stuck in his way of doing things, willing to accept mistakes but tends to make similar ones and stiff about principles and traditions. I believe this is in part due to how long he has lived as a being with a nearly limitless lifespan" Shuri mentioned the contrast between the two men.
"And that is where the truth of the issue lies."
P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!
The link is: without the extra dots of course.
You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.
There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!
I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.