Irene looked at her face in the mirror in the salon at that moment. Her long hair becomes too much hassle for her to carry out the mission each time. Add to that, whenever she sweats, she becomes more annoyed by her own hair at the time. So after thinking about it for some time, today is the time for her to be determined, decide to cut her hair short to the shoulders.

She never cut her hair short before, so this is making her feel a little nervous. What if the style doesn't suit her?

"What do you think?" Her hairdresser asks her now after finish everything.

Irene stares at herself again in the mirror. She looks a bit different, more younger she must say, but the most important part is she still looking good. As long as she didn't look weird then its find. She wonders what Victor will say when he saw her like this.  She didn't tell him about her decision to cut her hair.  Just wanted to give him some surprised.