Zack then sat in his car with a long sigh. His eyes looked right at the court building in front of him, which he would be entered shortly. Today is a long-awaited day. It was a day when Rosa's case would be mentioned for the first time.

He felt various feelings begin to strike him at that moment. He knows, the effort to reopen the case and his fight in court is not lasting as he knows Bennet will get a bail later on. But at least he knows he is trying to do this in the legal way and what is most important is that the whole state knows the truth. That's what he wants most. 

As for Bennet's fate, whether he would suffer in prison for life or die at their hands, he did not care. As long as Bennet can never hurt other people, especially his family, as long as that cruel man will never ever can return to the society. He has no complained. But he also knows, as long as Bennet is still alive, he will not stop doing evil things.

Ring... Ring...