
After listening to what she said, Alvin quickly asked, "And then? What happened after that?"

But this time, Aurelia did not answer.

Alvin did not ask further as he knew that certain things might not turn out well if he asked persistently.

As the car was running on the road, the surrounding became more and more empty. Traces of humans were getting very rare here. They could even see some rabbits and deer. Alvin was very curious seeing this.

As a person who had lived in the cracks of the city since he was young, he did not have many opportunities to experience the natural landscape.

However, Aurelia did not show much surprise. She glanced at it and said, "This is not something unusual. In a few years, these animals will be everywhere."

Alvin knew that she was referring to the time after the end of the world. By then, the spacious land would be occupied by these animals if no humans stepped in.

They only arrived at their destination in the afternoon.

Looking from afar, Alvin saw a villa standing in the wilderness.

There were no other buildings around.

Alvin felt very strange and complained in his heart. "The taste of the rich was indeed unique."

This villa was built so far away from the city. It was probably very inconvenient in all aspects?

Putting everything else aside, it would probably be a long distance to buy a cup of coffee.

Having this thought in mind, Alvin realized that he was entirely wrong when they got closer to their destination.

This villa was far away from the city, but it wouldn't be inconvenient in any way.

As the villa itself was a small city.

It was an ancient-style building. It was built like a medieval noble's castle using modern and luxurious materials.

The archers would use the uneven gear-like outer wall to guard the city in the Middle Ages.

The wall also played a corresponding role in this villa, as Alvin saw a heavy machine gun on the city wall.

This thing was not in use. If it was, it would create big news.

But the heavy machine gun was still maintained as if it was new. Its pitch-black and shiny body would make people shudder.

The towering steeple was originally used by people on duty in the Middle Ages, but it now served as a signal tower. A receiver was built on its top, and the wires were hidden in the cracks of the bricks.

As for the coffee problem that Alvin was worried about just now, he realized that he had been overthinking it.

When he was about 100 meters away from the villa, Alvin could smell a faint aroma of coffee beans. He was very sensitive to the smell of coffee, and he was sure that he did not smell it wrongly, at least in terms of price. A drop of what was brewing in the villa might be worth a cup of the coffee he usually took.

Maybe this was really a small self-sufficient city.

Alvin thought to himself.

As the car approached the entrance of the villa, Alvin saw a few security guards with guns approaching.

"What does it mean? Didn't you make an arrangement with them?" Alvin asked.

"Arrangement?" Aurelia shrugged. "This car belongs to their young lady. What's there to arrange?"

The security guard came closer and gently knocked on the window.

Usually, when a car tried to approach the villa, their standard procedure was to give a warning without saying anything.

But this time, they could recognize that this car belonged to their young lady. Thus they allowed it to come closer, then only they performed the check.

Aurelia rolled down the window impatiently and cursed, "Are you new here? Can't you recognize your Miss Camilla's car?"


The security guard was taken aback and didn't know what to say.

This car was too recognizable. They could recognize it at a glance. It was the boss's youngest daughter, Camilla's car.

However, everyone knew that Camilla didn't know how to drive.

Now that they suddenly saw that the car was driven, they naturally had doubts.

Moreover, they saw the faces of two strangers when the car window was rolled down.

"I'm sorry. Although you're driving our young lady's car, you still have to prove that you're young lady's friend, in case..."

"I remember now!"

Before the security guard could finish his sentence, Aurelia interrupted him.

"You're the chief of security here. I remember now. You always liked to show off your tactical ability in front of your young lady, hoping to get her recognition.

"The so-called single-handed clip change, or tossing and turning on the ground, you always scared your young lady so much.

"To show off your shooting ability, you had killed a flying bird. While you were feeling elated, you found out it was a carrier pigeon raised by your young lady.

"The young lady was so angry that she wanted to kill you to vent her anger, but because she didn't know how to turn on the safety, she had to let it go.

"This is what your young lady told me. Even your boss might not know!"

The air froze for a second, and the chief of security's face twitched.

Then, he stepped back and stood straight. He reached out his hand and made a 'please come in' gesture.


Aurelia rolled up the car window and slammed the accelerator into the courtyard.

When they reached the courtyard, Alvin finally saw the luxury of the place.

A fountain that imitated the Roman wishing fountain was in the middle. Although it was an imitation, it might be more valuable than the real wishing fountain as Alvin saw the coins in front of the wishing fountain were the shinny gold.

The coins made of gold were casually placed in the basin as if they did not care if the servants passing by would steal one.

In fact, this wishing well looked more like a facility for the servants to pass their time.

As for the other architecture, Alvin had no idea, but he was shocked.

As for other questions such as how they lived their lives here far away from the city...

Alvin saw the answers when he arrived at the courtyard.

There were more servants in this villa than he had imagined, but most of them did not seem to be busy. They strolled leisurely in the courtyard, and occasionally glanced at the car. They were probably wondering when their young lady had learned to drive.

Among these servants, Alvin found a familiar figure.

Thinking carefully, that person seemed to be a well-known hairdresser. Previously, he was in charge of the image work of an artiste under a company, but now he was wearing a servant's outfit working here.

Alvin thought for a moment. His annual salary might not even be enough to pay the hairdresser to cut off a strand of hair from his head.

"So this is a real rich person?"

Alvin sighed in his heart.

In his previous jobs, Alvin had also seen many people who looked very rich.

However, their style revealed an indescribable vulgarity. They liked to drive luxury cars to show off to others, or wear branded products all over them.