The Master

The group of people walking towards him made Alvin feel that he had gone back to the time hundreds of years ago.

The leader of the group was an iron man wearing smooth and sleek Milan plate armor. This almost perfect armor was mass-produced in Milan around the mid-15th century. Joan of Arc's white armor was said to have been made by an Italian armor master.

This set of plate armor had smooth body lines and was fitting. Unlike ordinary Milan plate armor, it was plated with gold at the edge of the outline. With the stainless steel foundation and golden edge, the design was very beautiful.

In fact, the price of this set of equipment was definitely not low. In the mid-15th century, it was sold for six to nine pounds, which was equivalent to 200 days salary for a worker.

However, it had long been obsolete in the modern era. After losing its role, armor, especially plate armor, had become a kind of handicraft and luxury good. The price would only rise sharply.

Therefore, Alvin soon realized that the person wearing the Milan plate armor was most likely the master of the villa, Mr. Graves.

Graves lifted his helmet. He had a typical Nordic face. His deep eyes swept over everyone around him. Then, his gaze fell on Camilla. "What's for dinner today?"

But Camilla did not answer this question. Instead, she frowned and asked in a questioning tone, "Did you go hunting again?"


Graves laughed loudly and waved his hand at the back.

The servants who went hunting with him dragged a black bear's corpse over.

They had left the black bear at the door, probably because they were afraid that the blood would stain the floor and did not bring it in. Otherwise, to show off their spoils of war, they would definitely want to put the black bear on the dining table for a good look.

Alvin glanced at it. It was different from the hunting he had imagined. Most of the hunting methods now relied on hunting guns. The hunting dogs were allowed to chase or entangle their prey. The owner only needed to aim and shoot. The bullets of modern hunting guns were fatal to wild beasts. Even if they did not die, they would gradually weaken due to excessive blood loss.

But this black bear was different. The cause of death was not due to a gunshot.

The black bear's body was densely packed with arrows. If the lights outside were a little dimmer, Alvin would even think that it was a large porcupine.

Thinking back to the group of galloping horses behind the courtyard, Alvin had reason to believe that this bear had been ground to death alive by the riding and shooting.

The economic situation of this villa clearly did not require hunting to survive, so the purpose of their hunting was just to have fun. They were keen on restoring ancient cold weapons and using bows and arrows to hunt.

"I'm sorry to spoil your fun, but can you put that thing away?"

Camilla did not care much about noble etiquette in front of her father. Seeing the black bear's corpse at the door, she turned her head and covered her nose, asking Graves to quickly take it away.

Graves smiled, "You don't like it now, but you'll like it when it's made into a bear paw feast later."

As he spoke, Graves had his servants drag away the black bear's corpse. The bloody marks left on the ground were also quickly cleaned up.

Camilla seemed to have mentioned earlier that she hated her father's hobby because of some safety issues.

Camilla did not make any concessions to this matter, even if the target was her father.

"Can you stop this dangerous hobby?" Camilla frowned and looked directly into Graves's eyes. "How many black bears have there been this year? Don't you know that they can turn people into meat pies with just one slap?"

The atmosphere was a little awkward. The servants quietly dispersed and went back to do their work.

Graves knocked on his Milan plate armor and said, "It's okay. I have this old brother protecting me."

"Your tin can will only tire our horses to death. It's useless against the black bear."

Camilla still did not make any concessions. She lowered her head slightly and said with her eyes closed.

Alvin did not know what to do at this moment. He did not even dare to move the cutlery in his hand. In such an awkward situation, if he made the sound of cutlery, it would be even more dramatic.

But even so, it was difficult for a living person like him to sit here and not attract others' attention.

Graves quickly noticed that a stranger was sitting at their dining table.

In fact, there were occasionally strangers in the villa. The main reason was that as a wealthy family, Graves was happy to chat with the top elites of various industries.

However, this man at this moment gave people a slightly different feeling.

This man's appearance was unremarkable. He was the type of person whom Graves needed to meet a few times before he could finally remember his name.

And the man was sitting at the dining table now. The Graves family was indeed hospitable, but it was only for certain elites. Those people were generally outstanding in a certain aspect. Previously, this place had received a certain celebrity or a certain governor.

The man's unfitted suit was fine to fool the real poor class. But for those who were used to custom-made suits, they could tell at a glance that it must be the uniform of a small company.

Graves did not like to judge people by their appearance. There were people in this world who were very outstanding, but at the same time had their own unique hobbies. They might just be fond of a small brand.

At this moment, Graves was trying to find a way to divert the debate on hunting to others.

This man who was sitting at the dining table and enjoying the treatment of the guests was undoubtedly the best topic to divert.

So, Graves cleared his throat and pointed at Alvin with his forehead. "Who is this young man?"

Camilla quickly replied, "He's my guest."

Alvin heard the introduction and stood up. He did not know what kind of cumbersome etiquette there was at this time, or perhaps the host did not care about this matter at all. So he could only bow slightly which was probably an international friendly gesture.

"Sir, my name is Alvin. Thank you very much for your hospitality."

"Oh, oh, okay..."

Graves nodded, but his eyes glanced at him for a moment before quickly turning back. His eyes were full of suspicion.

Faced with such a gaze, Alvin knew that he was in trouble.

How could he sit on this guest seat of a wealthy family so easily?

Alvin recalled that when he came here, the hairdresser that he met was a celebrity's assistant, and that hairdresser was even dressed in servant's clothing.

Those who could be treated as guests by this family must all be elites.

If Aurelia was here, it would still be fine. The vast knowledge of a reincarnator would be sufficient to convince Graves.