Check-Up on Him

Ring, ring, ring.

Alvin heard his phone ring.

Instinctively, he quickly took out his phone and turned on the answer button. It was like when he was still at work.

"Hello, this is Weida Trading Company in A state..."

Halfway through speaking, Alvin realized that he had already left his job for a few days.

However, as his interpersonal relationship skill was too monotonous, his friends from his early years had gradually become estranged from him and no longer contact him over the phone. Those who would call him were usually the clients of the company. That was why he instinctively said the opening line that he had practiced countless times.

"Haha, you're so dedicated."

A burst of laughter came from the other end of the phone. It was Aurelia's voice.

Alvin put the phone away and took a look. The number was indeed Aurelia's.

But at some point in time, Aurelia had secretly changed the remark of the number to 'Super Cute Wife."

"Hello, this is Alvin."

Alvin smiled and answered the call in a different way.

"Hello, Mr. Alvin. Did you order the phone seduction service?"

On the other end of the phone, Aurelia's voice was light and agile. She joked with Alvin without any constraints.

The two of them continued to talk casually. For some reason, Alvin's mood became more lively as if he had become a little younger.

"Let me tell you, there is a very delicious pizza shop here. I have never noticed it before..."

In the beginning, the two of them were chatting with each other. Alvin didn't talk about the archery incident today because it was difficult to explain the sequence of the event. He only told her about the lobster.

Subsequently, it was basically Aurelia's solo show. She told Alvin about a series of things that happened when she was out of town.

There was a lot of nonsense, such as the clothes she was wearing, the color of the entrance of the shop, the attitude of the attendant, and so on. But Alvin was listening patiently.

"By the way," Alvin interrupted her and asked, "After talking for so long, where have you been?"

This afternoon, Aurelia left in a hurry. Until now, Alvin didn't know what she was doing or where she had been.

"Me? I'm in W state now."

On the other end of the phone, Aurelia answered casually.

W state?

Alvin frowned. If he remembered correctly, that should be the place mentioned in the news today.

He somehow felt that something was wrong. Just as he was about to think deeply, he heard another voice.

"Alvin, cover with this blanket..."

The floor-to-ceiling door was pushed open and came Camilla's tender voice.

Camilla was holding a blanket in her arms. Obviously, she was still worried that it would be too cold outside, and she was afraid that Alvin would catch a cold.

Alvin quickly covered the phone with his hand. He did not know why he felt so guilty, but he still instinctively did so.

"Alvin, you'll catch a cold. Cover yourself well."

Camilla said as she threw the blanket at Alvin.

If others knew that the Graves family let their honored guest catch a cold on the balcony, it would be a great shame and impacted the family's reputation. After all, hospitality was their tradition, especially to some talents. They were treated very well.

However, Alvin seemed to really want to stand on the balcony. She couldn't go against the wishes of the guest and forcefully pull the guest back.

Therefore, Camilla thought that for the sake of the family's reputation, it was better to bring Alvin something to keep himself out of the cold.

After Camilla handed over the blanket, she suddenly thought of something.

Almost everyone around her knew that she liked poetry, but their attitudes towards this matter were all different.

For example, Aurelia usually used this matter to make fun of her, while her father didn't care about it. Some of the servants in the house even made fun of the fact that she liked poetry and lived in the world of fairy tales.

Only Alvin expressed his support superficially.

However, would this cause a conflict between Alvin and Aurelia?

After all, having two different views on the same matter could easily lead to arguments between couples.

Therefore, Camilla paused for a moment and ultimately decided that it was best not to tell Aurelia about this matter.

Camilla bowed slightly. "It's better to keep the matter between us just now a secret from Aurelia."

Alvin was stunned when he heard that.

"The matter just now?"

"A secret?"

"I'm still on the phone!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Alvin glanced at the phone screen. Aurelia did not speak for a long time on the other end. Only the duration of the conversation was increasing.

Camilla smiled gently and turned to leave.

Beep, beep, beep --

Without saying a word, Aurelia hung up the phone.

Alvin tried to call her back a few times, but no one picked up.

[Warning: Aurelia's favorability -20, current 80 (infatuated)]

"This is a big misunderstanding..."

Alvin was a little helpless. Obviously, Aurelia had misunderstood something.

After making three calls but still, no one picked up. Alvin stopped trying.

He was an efficient person -- an instinct honed in his working life. So when faced with something he couldn't solve in the meantime, he would try doing something else first.

According to what Aurelia had said, she was in W city.

It was in the news today that there had been an industrial accident. A massive explosion had killed many people.

Alvin suddenly realized what had made him feel strange.

With Aurelia's cheerful personality, how could she forego the opportunity to watch when there was a commotion?

Even if she didn't go to the scene to watch, she would try to gather some information or talk to him about it.

But none of this happened. Aurelia didn't talk about the accident that happened near her at all.

Alvin had reason to believe that Aurelia had caused the accident.

But why did Aurelia do that?

The only explanation was that those people would probably become Aurelia's enemies subsequently, and she was now acting out of revenge in advance.

Just as Alvin was thinking about it, the phone rang again.


It was from Aurelia. The first thing she said was, "Are you guys done?"

Her tone was cold, and there was an obvious questioning tone.

"It's not what you have thought."

Alvin replied calmly, "She just helped me get a blanket. There's nothing between Camilla and me."

A voice of disbelief came from the other end. "Oh!"