Humanity's First Assault Against the Dragons

The old king put down the letter and said slowly.

"I, Alfred Graves,"

"Hereby declare to all lords of this nation."

"Assemble your forces, we are going to war."

Upon hearing the old king's words, and after recovering from the shock, the guard beside him nodded solemnly.

Even though the old king had managed to unify the entire continent, most city states had yet to recover from the previous great war. As such, the guard's surprise was to be expected.

However, after giving it some more thought, the guard soon understood. The shrewd old king was truly above the common rank and file like the guard.

Even without external factors slowing down the nation's recovery, it would still take over decades for the continent to return to its former glory prior to the great war of the past.

By then, would the old king still be alive?