Dragon-annihilation Missile, Successfully Crafted!

After about ten minutes, Bloom slowly sat down.

Behind Bloom, laid two to three Dragon-vanquishing Fruits.

Bloom carefully cracked open the hard shell of the three fruits to reveal a foul-smelling liquid within them.

The liquid was extremely corrosive to humans. Should even a single droplet make contact with his skin, said patch of skin would immediately shrivel and die off.

However, it was also this corrosive property that enabled it to soften the tough scales of dragons.

Once softened, dragons, which usually had no other weaknesses aside from their reverse scales, would become full of weaknesses.

At that point, even a fisherman's harpoon was capable of piercing through the weakened dragon's defenses!

Nevertheless, while powerful, the Dragon-vanquishing Fruit's effects did not last long.

Its corrosive effect will wear off once 30 seconds had gone by, and the dragon's scales would regain their hardness.