The Human Army has been Tricked!

Out of the 3 generals present, Felix was the only one who had the aptitude for wind magic. In other words, Felix was the only who could cast Wind Speak.

Nevertheless, Calsus was not so trusting of Felix that he would scrape the entirety of his plan just because of his statement.

Calsus peered forward at the seemingly endless lair before him.

"Iron Whip Squad, enter the lair and investigate. Make sure to remain as quiet as possible."

Calsus waved his hand and ordered the Iron Whip Squad.

"The Iron Whip Squad will do as we're told!"

The Iron Whip Squad was Calsus' most trusted squad. It consisted of only five members. Although they were the smallest unit in the army, no one dared to look down on them, especially when it came to their field of expertise — scouting.

The Iron Whip Squad tip-toed as they approached the cave.

They did not plan ignite a fire, nor did they dare to use any magical items.