Felix Enraged, Take My Fiery Fist!


A hint of confusion flashed across Felix's eyes.

He watched helplessly as Dorian, who was less than a dozen meters away from him, was crushed into a bloody pulp.

Felix gritted his teeth, and his eyes turned red with rage!

He clenched his fists, and his entire body trembled.

He glared at Max viciously at Max as his rage fueled him with strength.

"Calm down, Felix!"

"He's just a squad leader. If he dies, then so be it."

Gallio, who was still some distance away, cursed upon noticing Felix's exaggerated reaction.

As far as Gallio was concerned, it was extremely stupid to take such a risk for a mere squad leader.

"Don't speak as if you know it all! You're a b*stard whose mind is filled with only alchemy!"

Felix roared, but this did little to alleviate his anger.

"In my opinion, he is much more important than you!"