Nowhere to Run! Little Dragon, You Forced Me to Do This!

The terrifying explosions had lasted for more than 10 minutes!

As a result of those explosions, a huge crater had formed in the desert.

It was a hundred-meters wide, and it was seemingly bottomless.

It was hard to determine how much damage Felix had caused just by eyeballing it.

Mia, who was in the sky, was shocked at what she saw.

Could her brother really survive such a terrifying spell?

Her conviction wavered as doubt began to settle in.

She was afraid that even her mother, Agatha, would not be able to withstand such a powerful attack.

The power contained within the attack had already surpassed that of the Dragon-vanquishing Bolt. It was on a completely different tier.

Mia was not present during Max's battle against Tahir. However, if she was present back then. she would have noticed it. 

Felix, who was only Platinum Rank, had managed to cast a spell that rivaled that of Tahir's, who was a Diamond Rank individual!