The Mysterious Carriage Appears! Fear Strikes Once Again!

It was only a distance of 200 meters, but it had taken Max 5 minutes to drag his battered body to reach Bloom's side.

Most of Bloom's skin had turned into charcoal. Except for his right arm, which was still unharmed and good as new.

At this moment, Bloom shared the same thoughts as Max. He was on his last breath, and he had completely lost his ability to fight.

Despite all his feats, Bloom was still a human. As he did not prepare any countermeasures to Mia's sneak attack, he had taken the full brunt of her attack.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Bloom's lips, which were already charred, spat out a few words with difficulty.

"How... Did you do it..."

Max frowned. He did not understand what Bloomwas trying to say.

However, he had already placed his huge claws on Bloom's neck.