The Greatest Threat Thus Far!

With his spell strength, and with the use of Magical Acceleration, Max's speed could be considered very fast even among Young Dragons.

However, if he was up against an Ancient Dragon, there was literally no contest.

Max had only narrowly survived the 3 ice spears, and he was not yet ready for another wave of attack.

However, in the next moment, a huge figure that was faster than the ice spears could already be spotted from afar.

Before Max could even grasp the newcomer's aura, it had already appeared before Max.


The sudden appearance of Catherine brought about a huge airwave that turned the air into a snowy white.

Countless white snow had been swept into the air, and they were floating down from the sky.

Max's pupils shrunk upon spotting the figure before him.

His heart thumped with fear as he observed the figure with translucent scales before him.