A Terrifying Entity

At this moment, a gray ball of light slowly rose from behind Max. It contained a strange energy, one that did not seem to come from this world.

In the next moment, the grayish-black ball of light, which was originally the size of a dragon's eye, suddenly spread and expanded throughout the world.

In less than half a second, it had covered an area of 10 kilometers. A mere instant later, the color of the world drained away, and before long, it had taken on a grayish-black hue.

Time itself seemed to have stopped, and everything else had become stock still.

Catherine and Max had formed the center of this new space.

'Damn it!'

'I failed!'

Catherine cursed aloud within her heart.

The longer she observed the grayish-black space that stretched in all directions, the more Catherine sunk into despair.