As If Facing Great Enemies

Osse's gaze was extremely grim. Sensing the raging frost energy in the air, he stretched out his hand and slowly received the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"The master of the mountains is no longer with us."

"W-What does that mean..."

Molmo looked at Osse with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He could not fully comprehend Osse's words, but the terrifying shockwaves that had killed him earlier had sent chills deep down his spine.

Molmo had originally thought that although there were plenty other powerful entities in the world, they would only be a most a fraction stronger than Osse.

However, this experience had thorough ruffled his feathers, and it had prompted him to change his perspective.

"I see you've regained your senses. Let's continue moving."

Osse did not say anything else. He quickly dried his hand of the snowflakes and issued the order to Molmo.

Molmo nodded and quickly followed Osse's footsteps.