Chapter 3

I went inside and as usual, no one is greeting me from the four corners of this big house except the maids.

I sighed and made my way to the dining room.

I could hear their waves of laughters even though I'm not yet inside the dining room.

I inhaled air to my lungs and loudly exhaled it.

I went inside, smiling.

"Good evening mom, dad. Good evening Leona", I smiled a bit to the person beside Leona- her fiancee- that was may boyfriend back then.

My mother greeted me back, father stayed laughing because of what Justine- the guy smiled at me while my sister rolled her eyes at me.

I smiled a little and sighed before raising the wine I bought earlier.

"Here mom, red wine, it's good for the heart," I said.

Mom raised her hand in the air and a maiden came, getting the wine from my hand and putting it in a bucket full of ice.

Another maiden prepared wine glasses and placed it in the table.

That was the time when dad noticed my presence.

"Oh, you're here already," my dad.

I smiled at him as an answer.

"Have a seat honey"

I sat beside my mom.

In a long rectangle table that fits six people. Dad was in the middle, me and mom was on his left side while Leona and Justin was on his right side.

"So, Leara, how's your day honey?" My mom asked. Yes, leara, that's what I'm called when I'm in this house.

That's a first.

I smiled at my mom's question And said that my day was fine. She nodded at my answer and continued talking with Justin and Leona.

I looked at my hand under the table. I looked back at the table and saw they were done eating.

They did not even wait for me.

I smiled bitterly and looked down, back to where my locked fingers are.

"Justin, when's your wedding again dear?" Mom asked

"It's this April mom, on my birthday. Justin said it's better on my birthday so that the wedding will be more memorable, how sweet right? Right sis?" Said Leona and held Justins' hand on top of the table.

"Yeah, it is Ena", i said smiling.

Ena rolled her eyes upon hearing what i've said. Did I say something wrong?

"Where's the setting for your wedding hon?" Daddy.

"Lovers beach dad. I want a beach wedding."

I listened to their talk.

"Don't you want a church wedding?" Mom

"It's okay mom, we already talked about it", Ena said.

Our parents nodded.

"By the way mom, dad. I'm four weeks pregnant!", Ena said while smiling.

"Congrats hon."

"Aww, my baby is no longer a baby. Congrats my princess."

"Congrats Ena!", I happily said

And like earlier I haven't received a serious answer from my sister but her eye rolling.

I just smiled and excused myself before standing

I went to the kitchen and saw there was no one else but me. I went to the fridge and looked at the contents.

I saw water form the pitcher so I fetched it and placed it on the counter.

I took a glass and went to the counter table. I poured water to the glass and raised it to my lips ready to drink, when Justin went inside.

"Oh, it's just you." I said and put down my glass.

"Yeah, so, how's life ara?" He asked.

I sipped water before answering.

"Life's fine. You?" I questioned back

"Life's hard when you're not in it Ara. Come back to me hon, I know you still love me. Please Ara, come back to me." He pleaded.

"What?! Just what did you say Justin?!"

I was about to answer when my sisters' high pitched voice roared in the kitchen.

"Sis it's not-"

"No! You shut up Cleara! You always wanted our parents attention! Now you want my fiancee's?! Wow! I can't believe you! You are such an attention seeker Cleara!" She shouted at me.

I looked at Justin by her side and saw he was only looking at me.

I wanna roll my eyes but I stopped myself so that my sister won't be madder, anger is also bad for the baby. If that's what she really feels. L

"Ena it's not what-", what i said was cut again because of mom and dad, hurried steps inside the kitchen.

"What's happening here?" Mom and dad's almost unison question.

"Because of your daughter!", Shouted Ena

"What?! What did you do again, Cleara?! You always make trouble!" Sigaw ni mom

"What is this again Cleara?" Dad's accusing eyes looked at me.

"What? I didn'-"

"She still has feelings for justin mom!" Ena said

"Okay, calm down honey. Too much stress is bad for your baby." Dad calmed Enas' rage.

Mom faced me.

"What?! Cleara! You know he is already your sisters' fiancee! What are you doing?! Dear, just give your sister a chance." My mom said.

"Cleara, just this once give your sister a chance! Just grant this to your sister." Said my dad

All my life, I gave everything mom, dad. From my dolls to my favorite dresses and things. Heck, I even gave up my lover for her!

I smiled a bit. I looked at them one-by-one.

"Okay, i'm sorry. I'm sorry sis. Will you please excuse me." Didn't wait for their answer and immediately went to the living room, took my things and went out without a word.

I didn't bother closing the door. I went out of the gate and closed it.

I leaned against the gate and looked at the street, dumbfounded.

My mind wondered.

was my decision of coming here the right thing to do? To give. To give? I gave everything. I gave everything to the point that there was nothing left of me. I gave everything to the point I can't even give anything to myself. All I just wanted was to feel that they love me truly. That they care for me, worry for me.

I sheaved a deep sigh and looked at the sky. Will it rain?

My sight went back to the street and saw that there was a man standing beside his car, staring at me.

"Oh, how long have you been here?" I asked with a fake smile on my lips. I went closer, three steps away from him.

He just stared at me like he's finding something in my eyes.

"Uhm. Are you fine?" He asked

His question made me look down and cry, i didn't know why though. Until I couldn't hold my emotions and just went sobbing.

I covered my face with my hands, embarassed that he will see me crying.

Until I suddenly felt a warm hand pulling me by my wrist. Then, i felt the warmth of his chest enveloping me.

I sobbed more because of his gesture. I couldn't stop my tears from falling anymore. He hugged me tightly. I don't even know why i'm just letting him hug me.

We stayed standing like that while i'm still inside his arms, crying my heart out.

I could hear his heartbeat and as the time passes by I felt myself slowly at ease.

What is happening to me.

"Uhm. Are you fine now? Or do you wanna leave this place now?" He asked me, gently.

I left the warmth he gave and composed myself.

"Let's go" I said still looking down with seldom, uncontrollable sobs.

I don't know why I agreed going with him. We don't even talk that much even though he was a regular in my cafe.

It was like I trust that he won't do anything harmful or bad to me.

"Okay, let's go", he said and opened the passenger seat for me.

I went inside as he closed the door and jogged towards the drivers seat.

We're silent as he started the engine. I silently looked outside the window and silently observing the street along the way.

I could see the city lights below from the car. Looks like we're above the city.

He opened the window of my side which made me look at him but I saw him seriously driving so I took my eyes off him and went back on gazing the beautiful dazzling city lights.

The cold breeze flew over to my face, causing me to close my eyes and feel the air.

I just closed my eyes and let the air touch my face.

I stayed like that until he said we arrived and stopped the car.

He rolled up the windshields and got out. I walked out of the car and followed him.

We're at a park where you can see the bright lights under dark sky.

He sat at one of the benches. I followed his tail and sat at the same bench. I retreated a few centimeters away from him, still not forgetting the embarassment earlier.

I saw him looking at me because of what I did. His look was like do-i-look-like-someone-with-an-infectious-disease so I gave him a shy smile.

He didn't pay me more attention and silently looked at the sky.

"It's beautiful huh?" He started

"W-what?" Confusingly, I said.

"I mean the night sky, it's beautiful right?"

"O-oh, yeah, it is beautiful", I immediately replied and also looked up to the sky.

We were silent as we were staring at the sky, staring at the stars minding their own business.

I wish I was also a star, a star who shines so bright. With no problems to think and to know of.

We stayed staring for after a few minutes until we suddenly heard something growling.

Suddenly we looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly.

He chuckled. "You haven't eaten yet?"

I shook my head as an answer. I bowed my head.

He stood abruptly and offered a hand to me which caused my head to turn to him. I looked at him confusingly.

"Get up, let's go get some food", he said with a gentle smile on his lips.

I stilled as I looked at him smile. Seeing his smile, I felt like slowly floating in the air. What is happening?

"What are you doing? Stand up already, my hand is going numb." He jokingly said

"O-oh", panickly, I stood up and held onto his hand.

He didn't wait for a second for me to collect my thoughts and just walked towards the car, still holding my hand.

I looked at his hand holding mine. I knew I blushed. I ducked and let myself be carried away.

He let go of my hand when we were in front of the car. He opened the passenger seat and told me to get in which I did.

He immediately hopped in and speed the car.

I was silent the whole drive whilst he's driving.

I didn't tell him my address 'cuz i concluded he already knows where I live. Who's this guy? He's so mysterious.

An hour passed until he stopped the car infront of my apartment.

"We're here", he stated.

"Y-yeah. U-uhm. T-thank you and p-please forget what i did earlier", I stuttered.

"What happened earlier?" He asked

I glared at him. Did he forget? He's acting innocent! I gave him the you-know-what look.

He snapped in the air like he just remembered something.

"Oh! That, yeah sure no worries", he said while smiling.

"Thank you. And uhm, thank you for bringing me home", I said smiling a bit

"You're welcome." He said seriously

"Go in now. It's late you'll get sick if you stay here longer."

"I-i will. Thank you again, for this night. And uhm, g-good night K-kevin." I bid my farewell

He smiled when he heard his name slip from my lips.

"Good night too, go in now." He's talking to me like he's talking to a child. I smiled sourly at him.

I nodded and turned back and went inside my apartment.

Thank you again kevin, for this night. I appreciate it.