Chapter 9

I hugged my pillow tightly as I rest my back against the head board. I sighed as memories started flashing again.

Earlier... All we did was to stare at each other... That was all, but the effect on me was big.

It flashes again and again in my mind everytime and more that I could remember how he stares at my lips when I smile at him. His eyes were deep and he looks like a predator waiting for a chance to bite his chosen prey.

Bite me then...

Wews.. Don't be flirty now Cleara.

I turned my head the other side and laid down still hugging my pillow. I closed my eyes as I tried to sleep. But I cannot sleep no matter how hard I try! Oh my! What should I do?! Maybe when tomorrow comes my eyebags will be darker than usual!

Tomorrow.. I went inside with dark eyebags and soo sleepy. They were shocked went I came and told me I look like a zombie. Kevin is about to laugh to and I automatically frowned and glared at him making him pout to stop his laughter.

I leered at him and walked inside the locker room. I changed into my uniform and went out while tying my apron at my waist.

My eyes met Kevin who's currently stopping his laughing ass. I rolled my eyes at him. Just because he doesn't know he's the reason of my dark and big eyebags!

I yawned as I walked towards Marina, they're done cleaning the tables and are now serving the customers. Meaning, I'm late... What a great boss you are Cleara.

I served their orders until I couldn't handle my drowsiness I left the cafe to Marina and went to my office. It's embarassing to sleep on the table right? Duh.

I sat on my swivel and put my arms on the table and I laid my head down there as I let myself envelope the darkness.

Minutes have passed and Cleara was sound asleep. A shadow of a man appeared carrying what seems to be a blanket.

He put it down on both Cleara's shoulders and took off when he was sure that Cleara was fine.

Meanwhile, while Cleara was sleeping not a problem happened outside which Marina and Rhea were grateful for.

Kevin and Slip are cleaning the tables while Marina is serving. Rhea is in the counter and Marina is sometimes helping her.

They managed the cafe for a couple of hours because Cleara was asleep. They took care of the cafe greatly but anxiety and worry was evident on Kevin's face. Marina approached him.

She nudged his shoulder. "You fine? You're worried for her, aren't ya?", she teased. And of course, Kevin as Kevin denied her accusation. But his ears betrayed him. Marina teased him 'til no end- it was fine since they don't have much costumers that hour. She teased him until he just smiled. Psshh, denial.

Laughing, Marina stepped away and teased Slip. She's really playful. Kevin thought

Lunch came and Cleara woke up. Cleara went out of her office rubbing her eyes while yawning. She greeted the people at the cafe and helped. A few moments later her stomach growled. She ate with the girls and the boys stayed outside to serve.

They were eating while talking and Clara was laughing.

"His ears reddened earlier! It was obvious that he was worried", Marina teased. Reddening cheeks, Cleara laughed. Rhea joined teasing her but inly for a moment she then again ate a spoonful of food from her plate.

They ate fast and they put their plates on the sink after and went out, telling the guys to go and eat.

They went out and Clearas' eyes met Kevin. "Come to my office after work, I wanna ask you something." said Cleara and walked past Kevin. He nodded and walked to the kitchen with Slip.

Cleara went to the dirty tables. She cleaned them and while cleaning her mind can't help but wander.

Was it Kevin's coat? But he didn't bring any coat earlier when he went to the cafe...

She tsk-ed, slightly shook her head and cleaned the tables more. On the other side, Marina and Rhea were whispering to each other.

"Rhea, what's with her?"

"Yeah, seems like she's not in her right state right now."

"Let's admit her, she don't seem fine."

Cleara's brows rose when she heard their whispers. She glared at the girls that bothered whispering although their 'whisper' doesn't seem like a whisper. They avoided her glare and whistled in the air. Cleara shook her head seeing the girls avoiding her stares.

She continued cleaning the tables and serving the customers until the guys went out of the kitchen.

Her eyes met Kevin and she signed him to follow her.

She started to walk and left the cafe to the girls until they're back. She looked back at Kevin who's following her. He's like a puppy following his master.

They went inside her office and when the door closed she immediately turned to him. Kevin's shoulder rose as if he was startled by her sudden turn. She frowned at him but smiled immediately.

"You're so annoying! You laughed at me earlier. Do I really look like a fricking zombie?" I asked him pouting.

He avoided my gaze and laughed. He looked back at me and my forehead creased because of what he said.

"Stop doing that"

"What? Stop doing what?"

My forehead creased again and pouted even more. He stared at me and tightly closed his eyes and covered my pouting mouth. My pout and creasing forehead faded when his rough hand made contact to my skin.

It didn't smell bad even though he just finished eating. His hand smelled like mint and something sweet. It was addicting. I looked into his eyes again.

"What are you talking about?" I asked but only muffled noises came out.

"What?", he asked. I rolled my eyes in the air and even though his smell was addicting I slapped his hand.

"I said, what are you talking about?"

I asked him. His face suddenly reddened.

"I said stop pouting," he whispered

"It makes me wanna kiss you." he continued. My cheeks turned red and avoided his eyes. I couldn't avoid his lingering stares at me as if waiting and observing my reaction. He avoided first and his ears were red. Forcing to keep the smile that was slowly appearing on his lips.

I bowed my head and bit my lower lip because of the jittery feeling that was lingering in me. I fidgeted fingers as I looked down. He chuckled at my reaction.

I looked at him. His other handheld my hand while the other cupped my cheek. My cheeks turned red and as if I was hypnotized. Butterflies are surely felt in her stomache.

He looked straight into my eyes, I stared back. We stayed like that for a few seconds until he closed the gap inches away from my face.

He looked into my eyes until his eyes slowly went down to my lips. It goes back and forth my eyes and lips. My eyes went down to his adams apple when he suddenly gulped.

All of a sudden I felt the place turn hotter than before. I can't help but stare at his lips and back to his eyes.

His eyes were full of emotions. His eyes were like asking permission. I looked at it deeper and saw different more emotions I couldn't name.

He opened his lips to say, "C-can I... C-can I k-kiss you?", he asked nervously.

I felt my cheeks burn upon hearing his words. I smiled to him and gave him a simple sure. But deep inside me was a monster who is raring to kiss him too!

I closed my eyes as he closed the gap between us. I parted my lips as I felt his lips pressing against my skin.

A small gasp escaped from my lips as I felt him kiss my forehead. I closed my lips as it formed a smile. His lips stayed on my forehead for a few more seconds before he finally stepped back.

I looked at him and saw him with a smile on the face. I smiled at him more sweetly.

He scratched his nape as he turned red.

Well, who knew this guy can be sweet too? Dang, a kiss on the forehead is so damn irritating and also heart fluttering.