Chapter 0 - Personal Note From The Author

Hello everyone, my name's Anglion and I'm the author of 'Pixel Realm'.

I would first off like to express my gratitude to you, the reader, for taking the time out of your day to give 'Pixel Realm' a read. This novel is very much a passion project for me and an attempt to change my writing style. Before embarking on this journey to write this novel, I was an amateur scriptwriter and short film writer, so the change from script format to novel format has been quite the challenge.

In the past year, I have fallen deep into the Manhua/Manwha/Manga and WebNovel/Light Novel wormhole, and thanks to that my novel has been quite inspired by some of the themes that occur in these stories. My end goal with this novel is to achieve 3 things:

1. A good story that you all can enjoy.

2. A chance to enhance and better my writing over time as I write the novel, thanks to your feedback throughout the chapters, along with my self-criticism.

3. Writing in a simple style that makes the story accessible to those aged 15-30.

With that being said, I'm very open to constructive criticism from you all, in the hopes that it will assist me in developing my writing and the story, I only request not to be too harsh in your constructive criticism.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read 'Pixel Realm' and I hope you enjoy the story of Jack's journey, with the assistance of a system, in Urban London.