Chapter 2

The king was sitting on the throne reading some papers when a guard barged in, sweat beads could be seen clearly on forehead as it trickled down his face and his furrowed eyebrows, he fell onto his knees as he bowed down to the king, he held a piece of paper and presented it to him.

The king had sent them on an errand, while on the horse the guards were laughing and talking as they kept moving, before they knew what was happening, they were surrounded by huge men. They rode their horse faster but the men were just too much for them, the leader then realized that they had been surrounded, they had let their guard down.

"What is the meaning of this?" the leader Kyle asked when he noticed they were surrounded.

"The king wants to meet you" Jea one of the huge men said. The king from the other kingdom had sent them.

"Well is this how to pass an information" Kyle yelled at him. "We are not coming with you" Kyle said.

"Then you leave us no choice" Jea said, he signalled for his men to attack them. After some minutes Kyle's men were down. Kyle widened his eyes as he saw his men, some heads were rolling and some butchered bodies. They were just fine not long ago, when did the situation turn around?.

"Are you still coming with us, or you want your head right before you?" Jea asked while his men laughed.

"You had better come with us so that you can deliver the message to your wretched king"Jea said and Kyle clenched his fist. He dared to call their King wretched, Was it not their King that was an animal to do something inhumane like this?.

He has to follow them so that he could deliver the message, Only the gods know what the king was planning now that he sent his men to attack them secretly.

"Alright, I would come with you" Kyle said at last. "You should have done that earlier, or else you wouldn't see this" Jea said while pointing on the ground at Kyle's men dead bodies.

Kyle grasped his sword, he must keep his anger at check or they would deal with him, just like they did to his men.

Jea led the way as he rode in the front and Kyle in his middle and the other men at the back. They set themselves like that so that he would not escape.

They got to the palace before dusk, the men came down from their horse and so did kyle. They grabbed him by the arm immediately and tied his hands with rope at his back. Jea the most largest of them all kneed him so that he could kneel down while he dragged Kyle on the floor with the long rope.. 'How could they treat people like this?' he asked himself. He would not be surprised when they are planning something evil with what they were doing and after what they did to his men.

When they reached the castle, the men dropped Kyle at the front of the king.

"He is here your majesty" Jea said and the king waved his hands indicating them to leave. Jea understood perfectly and left with his men.

The king stood up from his throne and stared at Kyle, seeing Kyle's helplessness, he burst into laughter. 'What is so funny now?' Kyle thought. This king must be crazy to see someone on the floor, tied and he could still let out that menancing laugh, he was definitely not human.

"Kyle, oh Kyle, you look so weak right now" he said.

"How is his Majesty" The king asked.

"He is fine" Kyle said and the king creased his forehead, he probably was angry at that moment and displeased with the answer Kyle gave him.

"He is fine?, why should he be fine tell me?, while he was enjoying, I was suffering" The king asked angrily.

"He did not want you to suffer either"Kyle defended his own king, he knew what the king was talking about, he had fought with his brother for the throne before.

The king shot him an angry look, as he emitted a deadly aura and Kyle felt suffocated.

"He did not want me to suffer?, then why did he take the crown and the throne?, it was meant for me!!" The king yelled.

"You would take it, if he didn't" Kyle said and the king had no choice but to slap his face hard that Kyle could taste blood at the corner of his lips.

"He wanted to kill me so badly for the throne, right?" The king asked again.

"You would kill him if he doesn't kill you , one of you will have to die but he chose to exile you instead, after you left he sent some people to look for you so that they could provide you with the things you needed but you were not found" Kyle said.

"You had better shut up, I can do anything I want with you right now" He said as he remained adamant, he didn't want to change his plans for his brother. He would kill his brother and seize the throne. Yes, his own blood brother, His brother had exiled him before, now that he was in this position, he would do anything to get his revenge.

The king wrote something in a piece of paper and threw it at Kyle.

"You had better deliver that message" He said. He ordered for Jea to come in and untie him. After they untied him, he was sent to go to deliver the message to his own kingdom. When Kyle left the castle he was not given his horse nor his weapon.

Kyle ran and ran, their kingdom was far away and this people took his horse. He had to reach there by tommorow, as exactly as he had guessed there would be war soon, the king actually wrote three days, but he knew the king, he was so sly and devious, he might come the next night.

Since he was trained he was able to cover most of the journey in a short span of time.


Hi guys, it's me again. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

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More love❤️❤️❤️