Chapter 7

Lord Nathan went back to his room, why was he angry when he read her thoughts that she hates him?. Why,? why couldn't he bear it when she said she hates him in her mind. He drank water to calm down but it didn't help.

He smashed the glass cup with rage, while they hit the ground, they shattered into pieces.

'who does she think I am?, that she would just say anything and go scot free' he thought.

Why couldn't he take it when she said she hates him. So what, everybody hates him anyway. Even Zach his friend once told him he hated him when they fought. Why would she make it any different.

That time he doesn't care if anyone hates him, he wasn't even angry at them like he is now. He was falling in love with her day after day., he was completely smitten by her when he saw her at the cliff, she had made his heart move, no woman has ever done that but the fearless princess did.

He had loved her even when he knew they couldn't be together. He had knowned her even before she knew him , he knew that she was his true love, he had stayed hidden until now she came to meet him herself.

He wouldn't have showed himself to her but he had to save her since she was falling. He opened the big crystal bead and saw her face, she was smiling.

Before he knew it he was smiling back at her, he was no longer angry at her. Watching her that way had calmed him down.

She turned 18 yesterday which means that she would soon be handed out for marriage. He must act fast, He would not be able to handle it, if she falls in love with another man.

Even though, he knew they could not be together, he still wanted to try. she was the only one he would fall in love in this lifetime. Seeing her with another man would shatter his heart completely and he might annihilate the humans, She belonged to no one else but him.

Knowing her, she would not come with him, she doesn't even like him while he was here suffering from unrequited love. Thinking about the deal they made, this might actually be the way to get her alongside him. Since she had promised him that she would do anything. He smiled at her once again before he closed the big crystal bead.

He sighed as he pounced on his bed, he closed his eyes, next tommorow would be a big day for him, he had some people to teach manners, like Rose Uncle and his men. It has been long since he unleashed his full demonic powers but next tommorow he would do it. Just for her.


After reading, I closed my book and took a bath, I wore my peach night gown as i crawled on the bed to sleep. I was hearing some strange sounds in my room, I felt someone was looking at me. I grabbed my sword from under the bed ready to teach lesson to the person that was disturbing my peaceful moment.

I heard a laugh, I turned head to my left side and there I saw him.

"Lord Nathan, what are you doing here?" I asked, but he sat on the bed comfortably with his legs crossed. He was unable to sleep that was why he came here, he planned to sleep on her bed just like he used to everytime he couldn't sleep but she caught him this time.

"Nothing, just came here to see you" he said smiling.

"Sorry, but we barely know each other, if not for the deal, I don't wish to know someone like you" I said disgusted at him, why does he think they were close?.

"You should as least try to respect me, you shouldn't barge into a lady's room anyhow" I said, because he was a demon, that doesn't means that he should not respect other people's privacy.

"That's right" he said. Why did he bother to come and see her. why was he still here when she had caught him.

"By the way, you left angrily in the afternoon, I just don't get the reason why you were angry" I said.

"Nothing, I think it is time for me to go" He said.. "Just call me when you need me" he said and left hastily.

I sighed, demons were not easy to understand, they were always hot tempered. I don't wish to bring myself all those trouble of having relationship with demons. The trouble is way too much, I would just love to live my life peacefully with the person I love.

After the deal and if I fulfil my promise, I would try as possible to get even with him. I just wanted help, since he has agreed to offered me help and wants to ask for something in return, that should be enough.

I just hoped that whatever it is that he asks of me I would be able to give him since he said nothing like killing.


The sky was a bit dark as I opened my eyes, it was in the morning but there was still dew.

I went to the garden to take some fresh air. I chuckled 'All the air is fresh' but the air in the garden actually made me happy.

I looked around the garden, I picked the rose flower and smelled it. It was just so nice. I wanted the rest of my days to last like this. No trouble, just waking up with smile everyday. But I know that wasn't possible because my Uncle was trying his best to scare us with this war.

Thank goodness we have a plan now and we are well aware of the situation. It would be so bad if it caught us unaware. I went back to my room, since my bath was prepared.

My maids helped me to bath, I brushed my hair with the help of the maids.

I wore a pink off shoulder gown and it was loose from the waist downwards. I ordered for the breakfast to be served in my room, I was served a plate of mashed potatoes and steaks. After emptying the plate, I picked up the old book to read again. It has been long since I read it last.


Hope you enjoyed so far.

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More love❤️❤️❤️