Chapter 20

Zach rushed into Nathan's room to inform him about something but was shocked at what he saw. He had completely forgotten that Nathan was married already that was why he barged in.

"Can't you just knock before coming in?" Nathan asked in a sleepy voice, he really wanted to sleep some more and this demon here was annoying him.

"Ohhhhh, Nathan aren't you feeling ashamed that she is sleeping on the couch and you are sleeping on the bed?" Zach asked.

He couldn't believe what he saw, the woman Nathan strived hard to get was really not sleeping next to him but on the couch instead. He shook his head as he watched his friend, well he got the repercussion for being stubborn,.for loving someone who was not supposed to be his.

Nathan got out of his bed and gently pushed Zach out of his room, he dragged the demon to his veranda.

"Zach, can you see the time of the day, why on earth would you want to disturb me now? Nathan asked him.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but I think you really need to come for the meeting" Zach said to Nathan.

"Why now?, I want to spend more time with my wife" Nathan retorted.

"And I can't keep helping you with the king, I am tired of covering up for you, I also have some responsibilities also, be considerate, would you?" Zach said.

"Okay" Nathan said.

"Why don't you guys sleep together, have you even touched her?" Zach asked.

"That is none of your business, do I need to report to you what I do with my wife?" Nathan asked and Zach could not help but scratch his head.

"Out of my house!, next time if you are coming, don't knock and you would not expect what I would do to you!" Nathan snapped at him and pushed him out of his veranda.

Zach went away and Nathan went back to his room. He walked to his bed and pounced on it, he closed his eyes to get more sleep.

When I woke up, the maid helped me bath and I wore a purple dress, I let my hair fall across my shoulder. I ate my breakfast and now I was reading.

I actually had nothing to do, I wanted to go out, to meet people but I guess I could not do that, the people surrounding me were demons even my maid was a demon but she was a good one with her blue eyes. We got pretty well with each other.

I really liked her because she was honest and kind. I guess these demons were honest and kind also and they were very beautiful. I wondered why they were not living among humans the only difference was because of their eyeballs and powers that they had. They are even better than most of us humans, because they were very honest with what they do.. They were not like humans who couldn't be trusted and a good example was me..I made a deal with the demon and when he did his part and asked for something from me, I should have given him, I think.

I looked at Nathan that was sleeping on the bed. Images of last night appeared in my head. 'What if I allowed him to loose all those rope that tied my dress together?' I blushed thinking about the naughty things that we could do together. Looking at him, his sleeping position was not good, he slept as his whole body covered most of the bed. He was lean but the way he slept now...

I straightened him and laid by his side admiring him, my eyes fell on his neck and I went closer to take a good look, the words were just too small..I tilted his head slightly to one side and came closer to look at it. When I saw them, I couldn't even read them, what was the purpose of seeing them and not able to read or understand them?. I placed my fingers there on the mark and Nathan opened his eyes. I flinched back because of the way he stared at me that moment, he really scared the hell out of me just now.

"I am sorry wife, did I scare you just now?" he asked me and I nodded.

"I am sorry, I didn't tell you earlier that you must not touch it" he said.

"It's because you are human" he said and I raised my eyebrows at him. What does that have to do with me being a human. I just don't get the reason why these demons lives were complicated.

"I would get the urge to kill you, do you want that to happen?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"I should leave now!" he said as he looked outside. He stood up from the bed, ready to go outside but stopped when he heard me.

"Where are you going?" I asked him..

"Why are you asking?" he asked me in return instead of answering my question.

"I just wanted to know if you are coming this night or not, I want to have this bed to myself" I told him.

"So you would be happy if I don't come back?" he said and I scoffed at him.

"Have you forgotten what your mother told you, about marriage, I really think you should start using that advice now" he told me and I fought the urge to laugh at him, his expression is just too funny.

"She didn't tell me anything" I lied to him.

"I saw both of you discussing and I heard what she was telling you" He said

"You mean you were at our house?" I asked him. I could not help but think if the person that was strangling my mother was him.

"I was not the one that did that, I could watch you from here, why do I need to come to your place?" he asked.

"I did not know about that, shouldn't you be going now, you are getting late!" I told him and he rushed out of the room.

The truth was that I was going to feel lonely if he did not come, I am here pushing him away from me. I really wanted him to come back tonight. I don't want to be alone on the bed.


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