Chapter 22

I saw Nathan's reflection on the mirror as he sat up on the bed. Now it was time for him to answer whatever questions I would bombard him.

"Good morning wife" he greeted but I ignored him and hit him with a question first. I knew it wasn't right to do that, but I could not help but ask.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked him while pointing to my face. He looked up to meet my gaze and he looked satisfied and relieved with what he saw. Why should he be relieved while I was freaking out here?.

"You are part of our kind" he said plainly and my eyebrows creased, what does he mean?.

"Meaning, what?" I snapped at him, I was so furious that the whole eyeball thing was happening to me.

"You are a demon now" he said slowly as if he was afraid to see my reaction.

My eyes widened at his answer, what did he mean I turned to a demon, he was joking, was he not?.

"You are lying aren't you?, I told you that I don't want to be a demon" I said.

"I meant everything I said, you are a demon" he said and the last bit of control in my body snapped.

"How could you?, what did you do to me?" I asked him, I never slept with him how would he have done anything?."I am sorry but I had to do it" he told me and I glared at him angrily.

"How could you be doing things on your own will?, I told you I don't want to be a demon, still you had turned me to it" I said and my eyes clouded with tears, I was sad that I wasn't human and he had done something so outrageous to me

"Can't I turn back to normal?" I asked him, I hoped everything would change back to normal but I was only fooling myself..

"No, you can't" he said and I was furious at him."I am sorry wife...I.." he trailed off but I cut him off.

"Stop saying sorry to me every time, if you know you would keep repeating what you have done" I told him.

"Get ready we would meet the king now!" he said as he changed the topic.

"I am not going anywhere" I snapped back at him.

"Don't make the king angry, he has the powers to kill you once if you try to make him annoyed" he said angrily, why was he getting angry at me when I should be the one to be angry at him. He didn't for my permission to turn me to his kind and now he was angry at me.

"Come meet me downstairs, I would be waiting for you" he said and left already. I took the shawl and wrapped it around my head. I looked at myself again and I cringed back in fear. It would take some days before I recovered from the sudden shock. I walked through the stairs and I could see him waiting for me

He turned his back at me, "I don't think we would be riding together, that is your horse, just follow me" he said and he left to sit on the horse.

I looked at the black stallion, I patted it first before I offered it an apple which it collected from my hand, I could see Nathan with the corner of my eye that he was looking at me with a smile on his face. I turned to look at him but his smile faded and he looked away. I sat down on the horse and moved closer to him.

We rode towards the castle and when we stopped and hopped down from the horse, he wasn't even talking to me and I wondered why he was behaving like that.

The castle was really big, it was twice bigger than our own and the inside was just too magnificent. I saw the demon king ashe sat on his throne with his golden crown and red eyeballs, he and Nathan had striking resemblance and I couldn't help but think if they were related.

"Your majesty" we bowed and greeted him together and he gestured for us to sit.

"What is your name?" he asked s he turned his gaze to me, I suddenly became incoherent for a while and I was feeling nervous.

"Rose" I said and his eyebrows creased as he tilted his head to the left staring at me with those narrowed eyes.

"Where are you from?" he asked me and I didn't know what to say, should I tell him that I came from the human clan and get prepared to die. I glanced at Nathan but he just stared at me with no expression on his face and I couldn't decipher what was going on in his mind at the moment.

"I come from Actex kingdom, from the human clan." I said truthfully, I didn't want to lie to him.

"Princess Rose?" he asked me and I nodded, he shifted his gaze to Nathan.

"You are really something, after all the warnings I gave, you still went ahead to marry a human, you disobeyed me" he said.

"No father" he said and I looked at him stunned I hadn't expected that. The king was his father?, he was a prince actually, The demon prince, that was why they had a striking resemblance.

"That Is right Rose" the king said as he shifted his gaze to me.

"I guess I can't kill you without a relevant reason since you are a demon" the king said, he let out a long sigh as he stared at his disobedient son.


Nathan took excuse from us because he wanted to do something, the king kept staring at me and I felt uncomfortable, I lowered my gaze as I fiddled with the edge of the shawl.


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