Chapter 26

"Did you want to do it again?, we can do it it now" Nathan said as he stared at me with those sparkling red eyes.

"No...I.." I wanted to say something but he towered over me and took my lips in a hot kiss. I felt the butterflies coming back to my stomach. This was just so good as he roamed his hands around my body and started trailing kisses on my skin.

We heard a knock on the door and I panicked.

"Nathan you should get off me, I think it is the maid" I said.

"Do you want me to send her back?" he asked me.

"No" my answer seems to disappoint him, I knew he wanted to continue what he was doing but we had to stop now.

He rolled over me and said "come in" and the maid entered.

I followed the maid wrapping the sheets around me, I took my hot bath and I wore a green gown that revealed my bare back but my front was covered. I applied some paint on my lips and braided my hair sideways with the help of the maid. I couldn't find Nathan anywhere in the room so i went downstairs to look for him.

I saw him in the kitchen, 'what was he doing?' I asked myself. I walked further and my eyes widened upon seeing what he was doing. He was actually cooking. He can cook?, that was amazing!, I never knew how to cook because instead of learning that boring stuff, I learnt fighting and riding.

"Why are you so surprised?" he asked me without looking at me.

"You can cook?" I asked him.

"Yes" was his short reply. I saw sauce on his cheek so instead of wiping them with my hands, I wanted to taste them so I licked his cheek with my tongue and he turned to face me. I had totally caught him off guard.

"Wife, do you want me to start it here?" he asked me wide eyed.

"No, I just wanted to taste what you are preparing, it's quite good" I told him and he grinned at me.

"You don't say that about my dish, it's perfect" he corrected me and I nodded.

"Do you want me to help you?" I ask him as I was eating the berries we fetched yesterday.

"No need, just let me finish it myself" he said and I nodded and continued eating my red berries.

"Why do you love that fruit so much?" he asked me, I shrugged my shoulders as I looked at it, I didn't know why I loved it so much.

"I just love them" I replied, I also didn't know the actual reason I love them.

Shortly afterwards, the food was ready and he served us and we ate together.

"Are you going anywhere today?" I asked him suddenly.

"Yes, why?" he asked. "Nothing, I was just asking" I told him.

"I am going to meet my father, anyways do you want to come along?" he asked me.

"No, I want to stay here" I answered him and he creased his forehead.

"I thought you would like to meet my sisters, so you changed your mind already?" he asked me.

"Of course, I would love to meet them, but not now" I told him and he nodded his head.

He got up to leave after we finished eating and I waved at him, I knew he was still coming this night, but I would miss him for the short time that he would stay away from me.

I went back to my room and laid on the bed, I didn't have anything to do so I was looking around the room at every corner. I didn't have time to do that before so I looked around today, I saw something on the table and I looked at it closely. It was a big crystal bead but it was blank, I didn't know what it was all about so I tried to wave my hand in front of it and then something illuminated.

I saw myself in it, no it was not myself, because I had turn demon, my old self. Anyways that was still me!. Mother had told me several times to stop running around the castle, but I never listen to her. I was running around the castle and I almost fell down the stairs, flat on my face. That was when I saw Nathan carried me. What?, he was actually there?. How come I never saw him that time. The next one I saw was when I was sleeping, I was not able to sleep because of the nightmare I was having then i saw Nathan pulled me closer. He was on my bed that time?. I asked myself, I never saw him all those while.

I saw when I was crying because of something that happened to me and I didn't want to tell mother or father about it. I saw him pulled me and I rested my head on his chest until I was able to sleep. When I woke up I had forgotten that I was actually crying because of something....he must have done that, I guess.

I also saw the part that he kept the book on the ground when I was coming from one of my adventures, the book actually belonged to him!. No wonder it was full of demon stories. So the book was actually real?.. maybe he kept it there so that I would come to him....

And then I saw my father when he was fighting in a war. Nathan had actually blocked all the attack that would have striked my father. Father would have died long ago if it wasn't for Nathan. And here I am pushing him away from me instead of loving him. He had done a lot for me and I didn't know about it until now. I would try my best to love him more than I already do.

I laid on the bed not able to look at it, I shouldn't have gotten angry with him for bringing me here, he owns me. Tears were rolling out of my eyes now. I had actually thought of marrying someone else instead of him. I had tried to love somebody else instead of him.


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