Chapter 28

After Zach left, we went out to pick some berries again and it was my idea since it was boring at home.

"Can you teleport yourself?" he suddenly asked me out of nowhere.

"No I can't" I answered him back while resting my head on his laps.

"Do you want to try?" he asked me.

"Yeah" I replied.

"How do I do that?" I asked him.

"just say that you want to be somewhere, and you will be there if you picture it in your head then focus your mind on the place" he explained.

"Try it" he said and I nodded. I stood up and closed my eyes to focus.

"You don't need to do that, you can open your eyes" he said and I shook my head.

"How would you focus your mind somewhere without closing your eyes?, that is impossible" I said and I saw him disappear.

"Nathan!!!" I called and he appeared again.

"Did you see that, I didn't close my eyes and I went to our room, that is what you call impossible" he told me.

"Well, it might be possible for you but I don't think it will be for me" I said and he rolled his eyes at me and I scoffed.

"Just do it" he said and I focused my mind to our room and then I said I want to be there. I suddenly teleported our room. Nathan was right, I could focus without closing my eyes. I did that again and I teleported back to Nathan's place.

"That is so amazing" I said and tried it again and again.

"What else can I do?" I asked him again and I was really enjoying this.

He snapped his fingers together and berries fell from the tree, I picked them and ate them.

"Wooow" I said, I was feeling ecstatic about this, I really enjoyed learning from him.

"Try it" he said.

"I can't do that" I said

"Just focus your mind on something and you would be able to do it" he replied shortly.

I focused my mind and when I snapped my fingers together like he did, berries fell from the tree.

"Wooow" I said again and I rushed to pick them and eat them while Nathan chuckled.

I tried it again and it worked, I kept giggling to myself while Nathan just watched me. I ran to a flower, I focused my mind on it to create a small whirlwind full of flowers and then it happened when I snapped my fingers together, I didn't expect it to be too big although, there were many flowers around. I snapped my fingers again and it stopped, I ran to Nathan and I saw that his hair was full of flowers. I giggled before I removed them, he held my hand and pulled me down.

"You want to play, don't you?" he asked before he pulled me down and took my lips in a hot kiss. He gently laid me down on the grass and kept kissing me. He trailed wet kisses, under my ear and then my jawline and now my neck as he kept licking and sucking my skin.

"Na...Nath... Nathan" I stuttered, I didn't want to do this here.

He stopped as his red eyes was shining with desire. I looked at him with sad eyes and he raised his brows at me.

"I can do this at home anytime?" he asked me and I nodded. I quickly hugged him and teleported home. We laid on the bed, with him on top of me and then we kissed again. His hands roamed around my body until they found the ropes that tied my clothes. He loosed it and took my clothes off me, he also did the same as he took off his clothes and now he took off my inner. He took my lips in his again as he licked and sucked them. He kissed me all over my face as he kissed my eyes, nose and my lips again. He trailed wet kisses down my neck and my chest as He trailed downwards until his mouth found my breast. He licked them and then he sucked on it.

"Ahhh....mmmm" I moaned as I wasn't able to suppress it, his hands went downwards and he caressed in between my thighs.

"Nathan, I want you now" I said and he kissed me again. He part my legs open and settled in between them. With one thrust I felt him inside me.

"Nath.. Nathan...f..faster" I stuttered as I told him to move faster in me, it just felt too good and I didn't want it to end anytime soon, I felt the last rationality in me disappear as he moved faster.

He moved faster and I arched my back and raised my hips to meet his hard thrust simultaneously.

"Ahhh...mmmm.." I moaned and he kept moving faster in me..

"Please..." I begged again and he kept moving faster until we both reached the climax, he rolled off me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you wife" he said

"I love you husband" I replied and kissed him. We were sweating profusely and I didn't mind it at all. I loved the heat that was brewing between the two of us. I flipped him over and he laid on his back while I was on top of him.

"My turn" I said as I smiled wickedly at him.

"Okay, princess I would love your service" he said and I giggled before kissing him. I kissed him hard as I delved deeper into his mouth and he kissed me back with the same urgency. I roamed my hands around his body as I bit and sucked on his neck, my fingers tangled in his already wet hair as I kept kissing him.

I caressed his neck with my hands as I kissed him. I trailed kisses downwards as I licked and sucked on his neck. I felt his hardness below me and I used my hands to cup his manhood. I sat on him as I led it to my entrance.. Nathan felt himself inside of her, he roamed his hands on her body as he found her mounds and sucked on them.I moved slowly at first, but I increased my speed after hearing him moan.

"Ahh.. Rose, please move faster" he begged me and I answered him as I moved faster and faster.

"Ahhh. mmmm" he moaned with his husky voice and I felt that recharge me as I kept moving and moving faster until my head dropped on him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my hair.

"Rose!" he called me, when he heard that I did not answer him. He guessed that I was tired and I slept off. He gently laid me on my side and he wrapped his arms around my waist as he also slept off.


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Rose and Nathan: We love you❤️❤️❤️