Chapter 52

"Your majesty, it is time" one of the members said, he hated Nathan and wants him dead, he quickly reminded the king to kill him so that he wouldn't change his mind.

The king glared at the foolish man that was asking him to kill his son, he would kill the fool later, he did nothing wrong but asked him to kill his son.

He looked at Nathan again, he wasn't ready to break the promise he made to his wife, he wished he rescinded the law he made, he despised the humans that was why he made the law that they shouldn't help humans even if they were dying. Now he was going to kill his son because of the law he made, he shooked his head, he can't do that, he wouldn't.

The sky became dark, very dark that I couldn't see Nathan clearly, it was sunny, why did the sky change all of a sudden?. Then I saw the king pointing towards the sky and then red lightning appeared, it struck Nathan hard and I could see my husband drop on his knees, he spat out blood and my eyes widened in horror.

"Why did the king strike him with poison?, I knew he wouldn't kill his son, he should have killed him" they mummured around. I couldn't think of anything else as I rushed to meet Nathan, he started coughing blood, I bent down and kept his head on my laps.

"Nathan please don't leave me, please open your eyes" I begged him and I could see his eyes opened.

"Please don't leave me, I can't live without you, please don't go, tell me you'll stay" I begged him as I cried. He touched my cheeks with his palm as he caressed them gently.

"I am not going, I won't die that easily, I would come back for you, don't you trust me?" he asked and i couldn't help but cry seeing blood seep out of his lips. He wanted to drop his hands but I held it.

"You can't give up, you can't leave me, I would die with you as well, I can't be the only one in love, I can't be the only one remembering our beautiful moments together" I said and he creased his forehead...

"You should live for me,I promise you I would come back for you" he said as he coughed more blood. I saw his hands, why was there a silver line there?.

"That is because he poisoned me, don't worry I won't die, you must live for me" he begged as he removed his ruby ring clamped together with a chain from his neck and he wore it around my neck.

"Promise me you would wait for me, you promised that if I asked for something you would give me, please wait for me" he begged as his eyes started closing, his red lips became paler.

"I would wait for you, I would wait, please open your eyes, please.." I begged again but his eyes kept closing, he smiled at me until his eyes finally closed.

"Nooooo!!" I yelled as I cried on him, I shooked him but he didn't wake up.

"He is dying, once the silver line reaches his heart he would die and there is nothing we can do to save him" Zach said as he bent over to look at Nathan.

"I told you, you didn't listen to me, look at what you caused" Zach said as he wailed on Nathan. Nathan was his best friend, even if they fought he would always be his best friend.

Miranda eyes widened on seeing Nathan dead, she looked at Rose spitefully. "You stupid witch, you are history!!" she yelled as she dragged her sword out, Rayna saw this coming as she quickly ran to save rose.

"My lady, my lady" she screamed, I didn't hear her because I felt my heart drop dead when I saw my husband die.

Miranda rushed to kill rose with her sword, when she was close to stabbing her, Rayna blocked it. So she stabbed Rayna instead.

"My lady, please take care of yourself" she said as she dropped dead in my front. She had saved me, I would have died if she had not block the attack for me. I glared at Miranda, she would kill me?, I slowly stood up.

Zach stood up as well when he saw blue crystals forming around me, he saw my irises dilated as it turned dark blue.

I slowly raised in the air and the marks on my neck slowly came out as they transformed to a sword.My blue dress had changed to a blue armor.

"" Miranda yelled as she saw the changes in me.

"Why what?" I asked her, even my voice had changed.

"What are you?" she asked me and I smirked at her.

"A phoenix, are you so surprised?" I asked her and her jaw dropped.

"You don't belong here, what are you doing with the demons?" she asked me.

"You can't dictate where I belong, you belong in hell." I said as i threw her a pointed and sharp arrow. The arrow cut through her stomach and incinerated her by burning her.

"You would all pay for killing him"I said loudly, I raised Nathan with my fingers as I kept my lover in a protective blue ball.

"Rose, please don't do this" Zach begged, he knew they were done for.

"My name is Jaden, I am not that weak Rose any more" I said again, I looked for the guard who whipped him, I slowly raised him up with my finger, I moved him closer to me.

"You whipped him, didn't you?" I asked and he shooked his head.

"I am sorry my lady" he kept begging but his apologies were useless now.

"You still dare to lie?"I asked him and he shook his head again, I had no time to waste on him. I snapped my fingers in front of him, he started cutting his body himself. He started with his legs as he chopped it off, then his left hand and all the part of his body except his head, I smirked as I saw his head, I picked my sword as I cut his head off, it rolled on the ground and I packed all his body by joining my palms together, I incinerated it and burnt everything to ashes.


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