Chapter 58

"What are you talking about?" I asked but he kept walking away. I grabbed his arm as I turned him to face me.

"I really wasted my time coming back here, just to meet you and him together?" he asked me.

"No, that's not what it seems" I told him but he yanked his arm away.

"I don't care what it seems, since you are with him why don't you enjoy his company" he said and left. Why does he like doing that?, I wasn't a stoic and he was hurting me too much, I really couldn't bear it anymore, I would meet with the phoenix king no matter what.

"Are you okay?" Zach asked as he stood beside me. I shook my head, I wasn't okay, I was so ill fated. If this was the way he behaved with people on his bad side, I dont wish to get on his bad side.

"Zach I am leaving tomorrow" I told him.

"Rose think about it clearly, you are making an impetuous decision" he said.

"Don't worry this is my definite answer, I am going to meet that king and bring back my Nathan" I said again.