Chapter 63

I kept throwing the stones into the water and Zach strained his ears, the stones were hitting against a metal, they should sink without making such loud noise.

"Rose did you hear that?" he asked me and I shook my head, what was he talking about?.

"The stones should sink to the bottom of the sea without making much noise, but it's not, the stone is hitting a metal" he said and I threw a stone to confirm what he said, he was right, the stones were supposed to sink but they were hitting a metal, could that be a..

"Zach, are you sure it isn't the magic gate?" I asked him.

"Rose, we cant make such conclusions, we have to do something" he said and I nodded, we can't just think it's the magic gate and throw the stone.

"Wait a minute" he said as he went forward and dived into the water.

"Za.." I called but he was gone, Zach was swimming deeper into the water but he couldn't see any gate, was it trying to play games with them?, he clearly heard the stone hitting a metal.