Chapter 70

She handed me the bottle with a blue pill in it, I guessed it was the elixir..

"Stay with me for few days more in return" she said, she knew her daughter would want to meet her husband so she said a few days more. She hugged me again and turned around to leave.

I watched her back as she left and I made up my mind, I acceded her request. I would stay with her for few more days before going back. She looked so sad and hurt and I wanted all of her pains to end, so I would agree to her demands and love her in this few days I would stay with her.

Not just her, my father also, I guess I had to accept them, it wasn't their fault either that I was stolen from them, it was the fault of the crazy midwife that didn't let me enjoy my parents love and affection.

I walked back to my room and pounced on the bed, checking the bottle again.

"I am bringing you back" I mummured as I held the bottle close to my chest..
