Chapter 73

Lucille woke up and her head was throbbing in pain. "Ahh" she yelled as she tried to get up, where was she?, she looked around and found out she was in a guy's room, Zach?.

"You should rest for some while" Zach said as he leaned on the wall looking at her.

She looked at herself and she found out she wore nothing except for a towel.

"Did you do this?" she asked as she pointed to herself.

"What?" he asked as he waltzed towards her, Lucille stepped back and Zach kept stepping forward.

"You didn't do anything to me, did you?" she asked him in a careful tone.

"I did, I did something to you, by the way what's the thing?" he asked as he wanted to see her expression.

I suddenly barged into the room and saw them in an intimate position, I smirked and raised my eyebrow at Zach.

'You said you didn't like her, what's with this position?' I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you here?" he asked me and I showed him the clothes.