Chapter 75

He kept kissing her as he inserted his finger inside of her. Lucille arched her back against him driving Zach crazy with her soft breast under his hard chest.

"I want you Lucille, please let me in" he begged, he was also surprised at himself, he never begged anyone, he always got what he wanted. But he couldn't do the same to this woman, she was special and he had to treat her differently.

"Please let me in" he begged again and Lucille nodded, he was driving her crazy, she never knew this kind of feeling existed and she would do her best to savor each moment.

"Are you ready, I am going in" he said as he took her lips in his again. He settled himself in between her thighs, as he kept caressing her squishy entrance. She was too wet and he couldn't spend another moment without entering her.