Chapter 89

Zach felt like running mad, do they need to bring this up, that too in the dining room.

"No" I replied.

"Are you sure?" The king asked, Hayden held his arm tightly, she didn't want them to fight because Lytius was clearly going to win. She just pitied Nathan because if he loses his temper, rose would see the kind of person he was, she might even hate him and Hayden didn't want that to happen, she had watched how her daughter smiles happily whenever she talks about Nathan.

"I am sure" I replied, I glanced at Nathan he wasn't eating, he just kept his gaze low as he clenched his fist.

"Stop hurting yourself" I said as I tried to take his hands but he snatched it away from me.

"How is your father?" The king asked referring to Nathan, 'both father and son are so cruel and they belonged in hell, maybe his mother couldn't stand their wickedness that was why she killed herself' the king thought.