Chapter 93

"I just went to ask where Zach went to and nothing else" Lucille said.

"Fine" The king said, Lucille bowed and left, 'that was so close', she felt her heart thumping loudly as if it wants to come out from her chest.


"Let me in" Zach said, he just arrived from their castle and he wanted to report to Nathan all the information he had.

"I am sorry, I can't do that" he explained, the king had asked no one to enter where Nathan was.

"Sorry for your foolishness" Zach said as he dealt him hard blows on the face, he collected the key and opened the gate of the dungeon.

"Nathan, we need to leave" Zach said.

"Did you find out anything?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, I did, now stop talking and let's go, quick!" he yelled and Nathan came out from the dungeon, his hair was messy and his clothes were dirty. 'What a nice way to treat a prince' Zach said.