Chapter 96

"We won't die, remember his Majesty said we might transform into dragons, so there is nothing to be scared of" Nathan explained as they kept running.

"I guess five seconds from now, this place is gonna erupt" Zach said, and they both stopped for some obvious reasons they didn't know of and Nathan started the countdown.

"5...4...3...2...1" Nathan counted and they closed their eyes as they meditated for a while, they focused so much on what they were doing and scales started forming on their bodies.

Zach took the transformation first starting from his head then the wings and the large talons. His tail was also long with his fiery red eyes.

Nathan transformed next with scales on his body, then the large wings and large talons with sharp claws. His eyes was burning fiery red just like the color of fire from the volcano and his tail was extremely long.