Chapter 113

The day went by with me learning from either Allenda or Rayna, I guess that was my usual routine, I had nothing to do so I would just learn new things from them. Nathan has been doing well lately with Zach also helping him sometimes, Nathan refused to be helped but Zach kept on pestering the demon until he acceded to his request.

Miranda was busy lurking around in the shadows ready to strike. She smiled happily when she counted the days for Rose to give birth. She knew that in a week now, the woman would finally give birth, she was so desperate to execute her devilish plan. Miranda doesn't know that there is also someone watching her every move.

Nathan found the jar in the place his father kept it,.he felt voracious for power. He knew that was some of his powers locked up, but knowing that his wife would soon give birth after a week, he needed his power, he wanted to change her destiny of losing her baby. He glanced at the jar, would he behave normally after opening it.