Chapter 135

Nathan walked back to the dining room, he forgot to inform Zach about something. His eyes widened when he saw a figure sitting on the chair, he would recognize the figure even in his sleep, his rose was back, his flower is back.

"Rose?" He asked carefully as he walked to meet her, Zach suddenly grabbed his arm as he turned him around before the lady looked at who was calling her.

"Zach what are you doing?" Nathan asked annoyed, why would the guy disturb him now.

"She isn't the one Nathan" Zach said, hoping the guy would leave before he gets an heartbreak, she doesn't remember anything and telling her that he was her husband would be entirely shocking for the lady, she didn't even know she has a son.

"Are you kidding Zach?, she Is the one" Nathan said, he recognized the figure even with his eyes closed, why would Zach say she wasn't his rose?, he yanked his arm away and went to meet the lady sitting on a chair.