Chapter 152

"Who among these women is your daughter?" Raya mischievously asked as he presented his wives to Yia and Xiaomi who looked dumbfounded when they didn't see their daughter. "Didn't rose marry Raya?, why isn't she here?" Xiaomi asked Yia in a small voice but Yia was still stunned to even reply.

"N-None of them"Xiaomi replied sounding incoherent, however it irks Raya to hear that none of them was her daughter, were they trying to make him look like a fool.

"Guards!!" Raya yelled and his guards came from the left and right sides and they bowed in front of Raya who ordered that Xiaomi and her husband be thrown into the dungeon.


"If rose didn't marry Raya, who is it that married my daughter on that day?" Yia pondered deeply, he was confused and also annoyed that he couldn't get a meaningful answer to the situation at hand.

"Yia, remember rose brought a demon fruit to help us heal" Xiaomi recalled when rose had told them that it was from Raya.